緊急要請 - 大至急
翻訳: NOGI
翻訳: NOGI
Monday, January 29, 2018
Urgent Request-Time Sensitive
Isis Astara has left the physical plane. Please visualize immediately her safe passage through plasma plane into the Light to higher etheric and astral planes by surrounding her in white and pink Light and Love and protection. Visualize her being safely guided to contact with her spiritual guides.
翻訳: NOGI
翻訳: NOGI
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Urgent Request
Isis Astara is in hospital in critical condition. Please pray for her in your heart and send her love, light and support.

Victory of the Light!
翻訳: NOGI

Victory of the Light!
翻訳: NOGI
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Joint Cobra / James Gilliland / Kaulapele / Winston Shrout Interview by Goldfish Report
You might want to listen to this new joint Cobra / James Gilliland / Kaulapele / Winston Shrout interview by Goldfish Report here:
Or here:
A link to the transcript will be posted here as soon as it is available.
Victory of the Light!

機密衛星ズマ(USA 280)は打ち上げに成功して周回軌道に乗り、現在の宇宙戦争に関わっています。最近までこの衛星の位置を以下で追跡することが可能でした。
NRO-47 のミッションマークには Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt と書かれていて、ラテン語で、「悪は決して勝てない」、「闇の存在は勝利しない」ということを意味します。

Victory of the Light!
翻訳:Takanobu Kobayashi
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Operation Mjolnir
Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth.
Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor (compare Norse: Thor, Roman: Iuppiter, Greek: Zeus, Egyptian: Wsir, late Atlantean: Astar) , is a special undisclosed technology of the Galactic Confederation that will make sure Galactic Codex is respected again in quarantine Earth sector:
One aspect of Mjolnir technology is detection of any dark being simply by measuring the amount of quantum anomaly that being emanates with negative thoughts, emotions and actions. Another aspect of Mjolnir technology is a foolproof containment and processing technology that can remove any dark being from its domain and process it according to the Galactic Codex. That processing usually takes place in Ganymede sort facility.
Operation Mjolnir is in full effect since November 2017.
In sublunar space, the Light Forces that belong to Galactic Confederation are approaching all members of various dark factions in a no-nonsense manner, giving them an option to accept the Light or else be taken to the Galactic Center for restructuring:
The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996. They have created their own network of underground cities, connected with high speed trains. Their underground network is independent from US military underground network (constructed since 1950s and cleared by the Resistance after 2000), independent from the Chimera underground network (constructed 26,000 years ago and now almost completely cleared by the Resistance) and independent from Agartha underground network (created 26,000 years ago and expanded in the last few decades when the Resistance joined that network):
Below the surface, Illuminati Breakaway Complex has teamed with native Earth Dracos and Reptilians and also with Dracos and Reptilians that have entered this Solar System in the 1996-1999 timeframe during the last Archon invasion. In 2014, top levels of Illuminati Breakaway Complex were taken over by the Chimera. Since 1996, IBC was developing their own secret space program that was cooperating both with Draco fleet and the so-called Dark fleet. Now this secret space program with a significant fleet of cloaked ships is the most powerful negative faction present in sublunar space and is the main focus of Operation Mjolnir.
Currently, Illuminati Breakaway Complex consists of about 200,000 Illuminati and Dracos, controlled by the Chimera. IBC is responsible for majority of missing children since 2015 and they used them as slaves in their underground bases:
Information about IBC could not be released until now, because they would retaliate by creating untold amount of suffering for those captives. One part of Operation Mjolnir was the Resistance freeing the vast majority of those captives since the beginning of January 2018 and then Pleiadians taking them to a certain planet near the Pleiades star cluster for recovery and healing.
Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also responsible for a great deal of scalar and directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially for the current wave of attacks that started in November 2017.
Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also connected to about 1 million native Reptilians that live on the surface especially in Africa and Latin America but also on other continents and are known as vampires:
Other secret space programs tend to gravitate closer to Earth in Low Earth Orbit and clearing of these is responsible for more visible effects of the current space war:
The Hawaii missile was a secret space program weapon directed to Hawaii that was removed by the Galactic Confederation before it entered the atmosphere.
Mysterious Zuma satellite (USA 280) was successfully launched in orbit and is involved in the current space war. Until recently, it was possible to track the position of this satellite here:
Another satellite, NROL-47, is also involved in the current space war in Low Earth Orbit:
This satellite was or was not developed by a positive faction within the Chimera-controlled NRO:
NRO is one of the main organizations with its primary purpose of maintaining quarantine Earth status and constantly monitoring any possible involvement of Galactic Confederation with quarantine Earth domain.
Mission patch for NROL-47 reads Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt, which translated from Latin means “evil never wins” or “dark ones never prevail”.
The image on the patch depicts St. George slaying the dragon that demanded human sacrifices:
Putting this in the modern language it means victory of the positive humanoid species over predatory Draco species in this last phase of the Galactic wars.
We will finish this update with a video of Operation Mjolnir that might be interesting to many:
Victory of the Light!

Astrological Alignment Could Herald Major Changes Beginning in January 2018 — All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM)Astrological Alignment Could Herald Major Changes Beginning in January 2018 - All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM) - Stillness in the Stormby Wave Rayne, In the nativity storyline of Christmas, the Awww.stillnessinthestorm.com
全てのトップレット爆弾と、プラズモイドエンティティーなどのプラズマ異常の大部分や、ネガティブSSP派の残党は地表近くに現在集中しています。 以下にある通り、地球半径の3倍分の距離の内縁には、存在していません:

しかし、Passionate Pachydermsと呼ばれる者からの情報については確認が完全に取れました。

Victory of the Light!
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Situation Update
2018 will be a year of many breakthroughs. The Light Forces are creating a powerful unified field throughout the Solar system in the second phase of an important operation that was already mentioned a few times in this blog and is codenamed Mjolnir. The second phase of this operation started on January 3rd and will be completed in early March ( a short delay from the previous estimate of late February ). This is intuitively described in the following article:
The Light Forces have cleared all plasma toplet bombs and almost all anomalous plasma in the sublunar space. The Resistance defines sublunar space as having its outer limit just inside the lunar orbit and its inner limit 3 Earth radii from the planetary center.
All toplet bombs and the vast majority of plasma anomaly along with plasmoid entities and fragments of negative SSP factions are now concentrated close to the Earth surface, not extending beyond 3 Earth radii from the center of the planet as described here:
The war in Low Earth Orbit is expected to continue:
But it will slowly shift into the bases below the surface of the planet.
An intense purification of all aspects of the Veil is also in progress, and Light Forces are doing whatever they can to reverse certain trends.
One plan of the Archons was to completely shut down the emotional life and meaningful social interactions of human beings. This is why they have introduced smart phones:
Younger generations are especially targeted, because those born after 1996 had very little experience of positive plasma, etheric and astral energy environment that would allow them to develop healthy emotional and social habits.
Another plan of the Archons was to develop cryptocurrencies that could take over the current financial system, remove cash and introduce a global, apparently de-centralized, but in fact totally controlled financial system:
Blockchain technology was decided to be the main vehicle to eliminate cash in this secret meeting of the bankers in April 2016:
They are developing their own cryptocurrencies:
Cryptocurrencies can help the central bankers in their war against gold:
Because they are afraid of the Eastern Alliance:
Blockchain technology appears to be anonymous and de-centralized, but all computers (not just Windows operated) are known to have software backdoors:
And all computers (not just those with Intel inside) have hardware backdoors:
All that said, cryptocurencies and blockchain technology have a future. The Resistance has begun to include cryptos in their plans for the financial Reset and will rip out blockchain technology from the hands of Cabal at the time of the Event.
Ripple is a cryptocurrency that has a potential to become the quasi reserve currency of the planet and to replace the SWIFT:
The Resistance has certain plans with Ripple at the time of the Event that must not be disclosed yet.
Cryptocurrencies can be a very profitable investment at the moment if you know how to trade vertical markets (buy the rumor, sell the news) and if you are prepared for the 25% risk that your coins will be lost or stolen:
Meanwhile, the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are trying to engineer a new war.
They are trying to exploit the energy signature of the Roman-Persian wars:
that are the underlying basis of the Shia-Sunni conflict:
Bloodlines that have their origin in the Roman empire are supporting the Sunni side (with USA-Israeli-Saudi axis), whereas the bloodlines that trace back to ancient Persia are supporting the Shia side (with Iran-Lebanon/Hezbollah-Syria axis), when top Archon families in Rome are exploiting both sides of the conflict.
Erik Prince is the main operator of the Jesuit/SMOM conspiracy to start a new war in the middle East:
He has a lot of influence upon Donald Trump and suggested him to create a new spying agency that would be more Jesuit friendly and less Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller Illuminazi faction friendly:
Perhaps you remember that I have stated years ago that Jesuits will throw the Illuminzi faction under the bus in order to survive.
This is why Erik Prince's Blackwater/Academi mercenaries have engineered the mass arrests of the Illuminazi faction in Saudi Arabia:
Now the Jesuit/Rothschild backed faction in Saudi Arabia, Israel and USA is trying to engineer a war with Iran:
They are also trying to destabilize Iran from within, repeating the script that has turned initial protests in Syria in 2011 into a brutal war. Recent protests in Iran have been triggered by Academi mercenaries and grossly misinterpreted in Western media:
In reality, most protesters in Iran are actually supporting the current regime, which in reality is a much better choice than an imported Western color revolution and “democracy”:
USA also wants to reignite war in Syria:
Light Forces have communicated that a new Shia-Sunni war can be prevented if there is enough awareness of the Jesuit plans in the awakened community.
There has been a lot of talk in the alternative media about key members of the Cabal being taken to Guantanamo.
My sources can NOT confirm this, in the exactly the same way they could NOT confirm the Green Light issued by Drake Bailey in 2012.
But they CAN completely confirm intel from someone called PassionatePachyderms:
55 members of the Arizona National Guard military police that arrived to Guantanamo have just replaced 122 members of the Minnessota National Guard military police that have left Guantanamo few days prior:
When mass arrests really begin, you will be able to read about them in the mass media.
Regardless the fact that the situation on the surface is not improving yet dramatically, breakthroughs will come when Mjolnir hits the ground.
Until then, you can help spreading the Command PB Stardust protocol to remove physical pain:
Victory of the Light!
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