

その後1220年、フーベルトゥス・コッホというテンプル騎士がイラクのニネベ近くを旅していたときに、女神Isais(Isisの一面)が彼の前に現れました。そこはハッスーナ-サマッラの女神ボルテックスの中心地にとても近いところでした。女神Isaisは、ウンタースベルク山の近くに女神の神殿を建て、女神のボルテックスをそこに移すよう彼に告げました。蒙古の侵攻がサマッラのボルテックスに迫っていたからです。彼女はまた、シリウス恒星系の石をウンタースベルク山に持って行くよう、如意宝珠として彼に授けました。彼はテンプル騎士たちのグループ ”Lords of the black stone” を結成し、彼らはその石の保護者かつ女神のボルテックスの守り手になりました。
石はその後、カタリ派(訳注:キリスト教異端の一派)へ、それからフランスのテンプル騎士団に渡りました。イルミナティー創設者アダム・ヴァイスハウプトが、一時所有していた時期もあります。後に、有名な小説『来るべき種族』の著者エドワード・ブルワー=リットンの手に渡り、彼の息子がウィーンのLords of the black stone に返しました。
黒魔術師カール・ハウスホーファーは、キメラグループを人間世界に紹介した男で、ブリルの女たち(die Vrilerinnen)というプレアディアン・コンタクティーのグループと、Lords of the black stoneの代表者を操り、ベルヒテスガーデンの近くにブリル協会を創立しました。ブリル協会は、ヴィンフリート・オットー・シューマンの指導のもと、ただちにスペース・プログラムの開発に着手しました。これが、地上における最初のスペース・プログラムの始まりでした。シューマンは、後にペーパークリップ作戦で米国に移り、ライト・パターソン基地で軍産複合体のために働きました。彼は、しばしば誤って理解されているシューマン共鳴でもよく知られています。


翻訳: Now Creation


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Untersberg is a mountain on German-Austrian border which is one of the key vortex points for the planetary liberation.
For many millennia, many caves on the mountain served as entry points into vast underground tunnel system which led into the Agartha network:

Then in 1220, Goddess Isais (who is an aspect of Isis) appeared in front of a certain Templar knight named Hubertus Koch when he was traveling near Nineveh in Iraq, which is very close to the center of Hassuna-Samarra Goddess vortex. The Goddess has instructed him to build a Goddess temple near Untersberg and to move the Goddess vortex there, because Mongol invasion was approaching the Samarra vortex. She also gave him a piece of Cintamani, a stone from Sirius star system, to bring it to Untersberg. He then formed a Templar group called Lords of the black stone to become the guardians of the stone and keepers of the Goddess vortex. 

That stone was then given to Cathars, then to Templars in France, was briefly in possession of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was later in the hands of Edwar Bulwer-Lytton who wrote his famous novel The Coming Race, and then his son took it back to the Lords of the black stone in Vienna. 
Cintamani stone, the stone of the Holy Grail, is sometimes erroneously called the black stone, because it has a distinct violet-black color. Its purpose is to dissolve the network of implants and help disintegrate the Veil.
Karl Haushofer, a black magician, the man who introduced the Chimera group to humanity, has manipulated a group of Pleiadian contactees, called the Vril Women (die Vrilerinnen) and a representative of the Lords of the black stone to form the Vril society near Berchtesgaden, which immediately began to develop its space program under the guidance of Winfried Otto Schumann. This was the first beginning of the space program on the surface of this planet. Schumann, who was later paperclipped into the United States, was working there for military-industrial complex at Wright-Patterson base and is well known for his often misunderstood Schumann resonance:
The Aldeabarans (a former faction of the Pleiadians) have yielded into cooperation with the Vril society in exchange for a promise that there will be no mass extermination of Jews by the Nazi regime. When the Nazis began the persecution of Jews, the Pleiadians have cut all ties with the Nazi regime somewhere around 1938. 
The Nazis made one of their main strongholds in the Berchtesgaden area near Untersberg because they wanted to take occult advantage of the Goddess vortex present there. 
After World War II, that area became one of the main strongholds of the Chimera group. Berchtesgaden sits is a dish shaped valley, surrounded by mountains and is an ideal place for experiments with scalar wave technology:
Very recently, the presence of the Chimera group has been removed from the area. Now it is one of the most powerful Light spots on the planet, with many hidden entrances into the Resistance Movement and further portals into the Pleiadian star system.
The whole area is a very strong interdimensional portal, which is indicated by a strong magnetic anomaly in the same area:


The Goddess vortex has been reactivated by the Light forces very recently in the pond of Goddess Isais near Untersberg:

A piece of Cintamani stone has been returned to Untersberg. Goddess Isis is now harmonizing the energy of whole Europe through the Untersberg vortex. 

An update about the Chimera situation will be posted when the time is right, which may or may not be very soon













翻訳: Now Creation


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A New Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues, the Chimera have been removed from the European location.

Long Island remains to be their main stronghold, as they need a particle accelerator (RHIC) nearby to maintain their exotic quark weapons machinery.  

Playing with strange and top quarks could be extremely dangerous, and this news is leaking into the mainstream media:
The Light forces will never allow something like that to happen.
The Chimera group has tied the scalar plasma detectors to the strangelet bombs and to the top quark condensate which would go off if significant UFO activity would be detected anywhere near the surface of the planet. 
A strangelet bomb explosion is explained in the following photo:

The growth of the strangelet could theoretically continue until the whole planet would be absorbed into it, but practically the Light forces can stop the reaction long before that.
The scalar UFO detection grid covers the whole surface of the planet and is being powered from Long Island:
This is the real reason why the positive extraterrestrials do not intervene directly and they will not do so until that danger is completely removed.
The Chimera also controls the MoonDust project, which assembled a special operations team which removes all extraterrestrial evidence from anywhere across the planet:

They also remove all genuine UFO photos from public domain and circulate many fake ones through CIA channels into the alternative media.
Thus quarantine Earth is maintained until the Chimera will be wiped out from the planet.
Until then, we will have to be content with fragments of disclosure:
Also, the Positive Military can not make a move until those dangers are removed. People are too much focused on the Cabal and tend to forget that the real obstacle is within the military-industrial complex, within the breakaway civilization and finally within the Chimera and I would suggest that those factions are exposed more in the alternative media. That would increase awareness and ease the process towards the Event. David Wilcock did a partially accurate summary of the breakaway civilization, written for the mainstream population:
As we are approaching the final breakthrough, the Galactic Central Sun is becoming more active:
Meanwhile, the Jesuits are continuing with their plan for one world religion:
They are also concentrating their attack on the Romanov White Nobility family. According to Fulford, the main spokesman for the Gnostic Illuminati who claims to be descendant of the Romanovs, was taken into a mental hospital last week. Then on Monday, the oldest member of the Romanov dynasty has died in Tuscany:
Jesuit agents are trying to turn the plans of the BRICS alliance to remove the petrodollar supremacy of the military-industrial complex into plans to use global currency reset for the Jesuit plan of world domination. You need to know that Jesuits were infiltrating China since the 16th century and they have a vast network there. Regardless, the top people within the Dragons and the Eastern Alliance are fully aware of the Jesuit manipulations and will NOT allow their positive plans to be misused. 
So there is progress being made regarding the fall of the petrodollar as the only reserve currency:
There are tectonic geopolitical shifts happening in Europe as a response to the increased Galactic Central Sun activity.
Catalunya is trying to break free from Jesuit/SMOM controlled Spanish monarchy with close to 2 million people protesting in Barcelona:
At the same time, Scotland is preparing to break free from Rothschild control on Thursday:
Victory of the Light is near!