

これを広めて下さい!世界中に広めて下さい!あなたのウェブサイトやブログで知らせて下さい。一緒にやるように、スピリチュアルなグループを招いて下さい。代替メディア(ネットニュースなど)と連絡が取れるのなら、これを送ってあげて下さい。お住まいの地域の人々とともに、これを実現するためのフェースブック・グループを立ち上げるといいでしょう。また、このイベントの中心となるフェイスブックグループも必要でしょう。これに関する動画を制作し、YouTube に投稿しましょう。 


アジアの人たちも同時に瞑想できるように、毎週行われるウィークリー瞑想の時間を早めることにしました。夏時間に関係なく、新しい集団瞑想の時間は世界標準時(GMT)で毎週日曜日午後4時(日本時間は日曜深夜25時=月曜1時)です。次のサイトで GMT 4pm をお住まいの地域の時間に換算できます。 




1: 自分なりのやり方で、気持ちが楽な状態になって下さい。 
2: この瞑想で、「惑星地球とその住民のアセンション・プロセスを早めるのだ」と、自分自身に言い聞かせて下さい。 
3: 次のようなイメージを思い描き、視覚化して下さい。まず、銀河の中心にあるセントラル・サン(中央太陽)から、光の柱が放たれ、太陽系内に散らばるすべての光の拠点を通り、あなたの身体を通り、地球の中心まで達します。今度その光は地球の中心から、あなたの身体を通り、空に向かっていき、私たちの太陽系と銀河にいるすべての光の存在に届きます。
4: 今度はこの光を虹の渦に変えましょう。虹の渦を地球全体に広げていきます。そのまま太陽系全体まで広げていきましょう。虹の渦ですべての闇と異常を取り除き、マトリックスを消滅させ、太陽系内にいるすべての存在に幸せ、豊かさ、平和と愛をもたらします。 
5: マスメディアで完全開示が行われ、ETと秘密宇宙プログラムの存在に関する膨大な情報が公開されるのを視覚化して下さい。すべての人のための公平な新しい金融システムが創設されるのを視覚化して下さい。善意のET種族とのファーストコンタクトを視覚化して下さい。イベントが実現して、惑星地球がついに解放されたのを視覚化して下さい。 

Victory of the Light!

翻訳: S.Mabuchi / PFC-JAPAN Official Group 



Sunday, August 28, 2016


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are upgrading our Weekly Event Meditation and transforming it into Weekly Ascension Meditation to reach as many people as possible to join us

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We are now shifting our mediation to 4 pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) each Sunday to allow people in Asia to meditate together with us. We are always doing this meditation at 4 pm GMT each Sunday, regardless of winter / summer time. You can convert 4 pm GMT to your local time zone here:

Or here:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of Ascenison for planet Earth and its inhabitants

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all points of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize this Light as a rainbow vortex, expanding throughout the whole Earth and then throughout the whole Solar System, removing all darkness and anomaly, dissolving the Matrix and bringing happiness, abundance, peace and love to all beings inside our Solar system.

5. Visualize full Disclosure and massive information releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the creation of the new fair financial system for everybody. Visualize the First Contact with benenvolent ET races. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.

The Youtube video for Weekly Ascension Meditation mediation is here:


Victory of the Light!

















訳注: 上記のサイトは東西の金取引市場の金価格とその差額をリアルタイムで表示しています。西側の金取引は実在しない金の代わりに証書だけの取引なので、市場が崩壊すると、西側での(偽)金価格が崩壊して大差が出るということと思われます。
Victory of the Light!


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly began to appear on the surface of the planet. This allows clearer vertical energetic communication with non-physical spiritual guides that will begin to contact the awakened part of humanity more and more.

Also, as the new cycle began in July, various positive Agartha groups have begun preparations for physical contact with the surface population. These preparations include some exact protocols which I will gradually release through my blog to the surface population.

Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. The Light forces are proceeding with their plans for the planetary liberation and are never waiting for the outcome of the surrender negotiations, those negotiations not being their primary focus.

Soft Disclosure continues.

Mars began to be portrayed as a very friendly planet:

It can be easily reachable with plasma technology:

And plans for Mars orbital station are manifesting into reality:

There are some exciting technology breakthroughs from the East reaching mainstream.

Russia has announced that it intends to develop teleportation systems:

China has announced the development of the space plane:

Some scientists are confirming what our Tachyon chambers were able to demonstrate in practice. A co-founder of string theory in physics has proposed that Tachyons are our direct connection with the source:

And China has launched a quantum communications satellite that uses the same principle as our Tachyon chambers:

Those who are interested in genuine images of secret space program vehicles can find them here:

Mainstream science is finally gaining some understanding of plasma field around the Earth. Here are two good explanations of ultra low frequency plasma waves in the Van Allen belts:

As the plasma anomaly around the Earth is clearing fast, the negative military wants to reinforce it with plasma bombs:

It is interesting to see how Erdogan is lately portrayed as a positive figure in alternative media. Those who doubt that it was Turkish positive military who attempted a coup against Erdogan have forgotten Erdogans' close connections with the Islamic State:

Erdogan may have suppressed the coup internally but globally he is succumbing to Russian pressure:

The Light forces are gaining victories towards the final liberation of the Syria vortex:

There are many rumors that the system will collapse very soon and they are not based on reality. Here is an easy way to check if the system has collapsed already:

Victory of the Light!