Monday, December 31, 2012
11:11 第11番ゲートのアップデート
翻訳: エル
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The process of the eleventh gate activation is ongoing since November 22nd. We will complete this process on December 31st, when the whole doorway of the 11:11 will be completely open and anchored on the surface of this planet.
To accomplish this, we are instructed by visionary Solara to do the 11:11 mudras at 11:11 am UTC (which is same as GMT) and 1:11 pm your local time on that day.
To accomplish this, we are instructed by visionary Solara to do the 11:11 mudras at 11:11 am UTC (which is same as GMT) and 1:11 pm your local time on that day.
Instructions for 11:11 mudras are here:
To convert UTC to your time zone go here:
Victory of the Light!
1. 全てのネガティブな未来のタイムラインが完全に跡形もなく消去されました。カバールによる地球破壊計画の可能性を完全にゼロにすることを実現しました。第三次世界大戦はもう起こりません。新世界秩序も、人口削減も、FEMAキャンプ収容も起こることはないでしょう。
2. カバールが大規模な人数の人類の生命に対して生物兵器の使用によって脅威を及ぼそうとすることについては、ポジティブな勢力によって制限がかけられました。
3. ブラックボックスにウイルスが入れられました:エーテル界のアルコンのスパイネットワークからカバールの物理的メインフレームコンピューターへの接続エラーという結果をもたらすでしょう。それによってマトリックスの裂け目をつくりだします。
4. 3人の主要物理アルコンが排除されました。
5. 宇宙の平和、愛、そして「永遠の今」のエネルギーがポータルから放たれ、多くの人々のハートに届いています。ようやくブラックホールの出口から出始めて、イベント地平線の真実の光のスパークを見ています。このイベント地平線の内側境界こそが、アセンションプロセスの本当の始まりとなります。12月21日あたりのライトワーカー達による多くのまやかしの思想や予想は崩れ去りましたので、私はやっと人類への本当のアセンション計画について明かす認可を プレアデス人から受けました。
1. 全てのネガティブな未来のタイムラインが完全に跡形もなく消去されました。カバールによる地球破壊計画の可能性を完全にゼロにすることを実現しました。第三次世界大戦はもう起こりません。新世界秩序も、人口削減も、FEMAキャンプ収容も起こることはないでしょう。
2. カバールが大規模な人数の人類の生命に対して生物兵器の使用によって脅威を及ぼそうとすることについては、ポジティブな勢力によって制限がかけられました。
3. ブラックボックスにウイルスが入れられました:エーテル界のアルコンのスパイネットワークからカバールの物理的メインフレームコンピューターへの接続エラーという結果をもたらすでしょう。それによってマトリックスの裂け目をつくりだします。
4. 3人の主要物理アルコンが排除されました。
5. 宇宙の平和、愛、そして「永遠の今」のエネルギーがポータルから放たれ、多くの人々のハートに届いています。ようやくブラックホールの出口から出始めて、イベント地平線の真実の光のスパークを見ています。このイベント地平線の内側境界こそが、アセンションプロセスの本当の始まりとなります。12月21日あたりのライトワーカー達による多くのまやかしの思想や予想は崩れ去りましたので、私はやっと人類への本当のアセンション計画について明かす認可を プレアデス人から受けました。
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Day of the Contact Report
The activation of the Portal on December 21st was a partial success.
Our core group in Egypt was extremely successful, managing to anchor Light in the face of all physical and non-physical opposition from the Cabal. During the timeframe of our activations, a Illuminati freemason group from the United States has locked itself into the Cheops pyramid, doing one ritual after another, fanatically trying to prevent the opening of the Portal. Needless to say, the Cabal has no idea about true occultism, as they have chosen the wrong pyramid. We did our activation inside the Kephren pyramid, which was always considered the true Great Pyramid. Kephren pyramid is the stargate of Love and the actual Alpha point for the whole planetary energy grid. There is an Atlantean underground passageway directly linking the Kephren pyramid with the Sphynx:
This is what the activation of the Portal has failed to achieve:
Etheric Archon network has survived the opening of the Portal almost intact. This is the biggest problem for the planetary Light forces. More awareness is needed among the general population about this so I will post another article about the etheric Archon grid, detailing exactly what part of it has remained so that we can help with our consciousness to dissolve it. The Event can not happen until we reach a substantial progress in this area. This is now the only main obstacle preventing the Event. As above so below: etheric conditions manifest on the physical and if we want to create a physical planetary change we must first change the non-physical conditions.
And this is what we will do. Victory of the Light is near!
The activation of the Portal on December 21st was a partial success.
Our core group in Egypt was extremely successful, managing to anchor Light in the face of all physical and non-physical opposition from the Cabal. During the timeframe of our activations, a Illuminati freemason group from the United States has locked itself into the Cheops pyramid, doing one ritual after another, fanatically trying to prevent the opening of the Portal. Needless to say, the Cabal has no idea about true occultism, as they have chosen the wrong pyramid. We did our activation inside the Kephren pyramid, which was always considered the true Great Pyramid. Kephren pyramid is the stargate of Love and the actual Alpha point for the whole planetary energy grid. There is an Atlantean underground passageway directly linking the Kephren pyramid with the Sphynx:
Nothing could stop us. Not one month of constant energetic attacks on me and other key people in our group, not two false flag attempts by the Cabal to close down the Giza complex, one with a terrorist bomb and one with a man with knives, trying to sneak into the Giza plateau, not all spies and agents of the Muslim Brotherhood which have received instructions from the government to immediatelly stop any group attempting to meditate. We opened the Portal in the face of all darkness and this is the true Victory of the Light. Our small group of 50 to 60 people inside the Kephren pyramid was the only positive group that was doing any activations inside pyramids on that day. Details of how we managed to do that will one day make a great novel that will surpass the Da Vinci Code, except that it is a real story. Unfortunately I can not tell it yet because that could endanger many Light warriors, some of them belonging to White Nobility, some to Resistance and some to Guardians that are keeping the mysteries of the pyramids safe for generations, that helped us along the way to achieve the impossible. I would also like to add that we were physically safe all the time.
Here is a photo of orbs at our activation at the Sphynx:
And photos of entrances into the subterranean network of Atlantean tunnels at Saqqara. Those tunnels lead all the way to Giza:
There were many dedicated beings around the planet joining us in meditation and at this point I would like to thank them for their effort. However, the critical mass has not been reached.
This is what the activation of the Portal has managed to achieve on the planetary scale:
1. All negative future timelines have been absolutely and completely erased. There is now exactly zero possibility for any of the global destructive plans of the Cabal to come to fruition. There will be no World War 3, no New World Order, no mass depopulation, no FEMA camps.
2. The positive forces have managed to restrict Cabal's access to biochemical weapons to the extent that they no loner pose a threat to the mass of humanity.
3. A virus has been planted into the Black Box: this will result in data translation errors from the etheric Archon's spy network into the mainframe physical computers of the Cabal and that will in turn create many cracks in the Matrix.
4. Three of the key physical Archons have been removed.
5. Energy of divine Peace, Love and Eternal Now has emerged from the Portal, touching hearts of many. We are finally beginning to exit the black hole, seeing a tiny spark of true Light of the Event Horizon. This arrival at the inner boundary of the Event Horizon is the actual beginning of the planetary Ascension process. Now that many illusory thoughtforms and expectations of many Lightworkers around December 21st have collapsed I will finally be given clearance from the Pleiadians to release the true Ascension plan to humanity.
This is what the activation of the Portal has failed to achieve:
Etheric Archon network has survived the opening of the Portal almost intact. This is the biggest problem for the planetary Light forces. More awareness is needed among the general population about this so I will post another article about the etheric Archon grid, detailing exactly what part of it has remained so that we can help with our consciousness to dissolve it. The Event can not happen until we reach a substantial progress in this area. This is now the only main obstacle preventing the Event. As above so below: etheric conditions manifest on the physical and if we want to create a physical planetary change we must first change the non-physical conditions.
And this is what we will do. Victory of the Light is near!
コンタクトの日 最終アップデート
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day of the Contact Last Update
We WILL open the Portal! This WILL be the beginning of the new cycle! Let's do this:
Instructions in different languages:
Deutsch: (German):
Français: (French):
Italiano: (Italian):
Português: (Portuguese):
Magyarul: (Hungarian):
Hrvatski: (Croatian):
български (Bulgarian):
Român: (Romanian):
ελληνικά: (Greek):
中國的: (Chinese):!yQxV3k.GHxlBr4Ihc2UeHd4h3Zw-/article?mid=48277
We WILL open the Portal! This WILL be the beginning of the new cycle! Let's do this:
Instructions in different languages:
Deutsch: (German):
Français: (French):
Italiano: (Italian):
Português: (Portuguese):
Magyarul: (Hungarian):
Hrvatski: (Croatian):
български (Bulgarian):
Român: (Romanian):
ελληνικά: (Greek):
中國的: (Chinese):!yQxV3k.GHxlBr4Ihc2UeHd4h3Zw-/article?mid=48277

Thursday, December 13, 2012
コンタクトの日 12-21-2012
こちらを読むことと、実際に参加することは全く違うことです。 場所によっては早朝となる時間ですが、可能な限り多くの人に参加していただきたいです。
1:11 am HAST (Hawaii)
2:11 am AKST (Alaska)
3:11 am PST (Los Angeles)
4:11 am MST (Denver)
5:11 am CST (Houston)
6:11 am EST (New York)
9:11 am BRST (Rio de Janeiro)
11:11 am GMT (London)
12:11 pm CET (Paris)
1:11 pm SAST (South Africa)
1:11 pm EET (Bulgaria)
1:11 pm EET (Cairo)
3:11 pm MSK (Moscow)
4:41 pm IST (India)
7:11 pm CST (Beijing)
8:11 pm JST (Tokyo)
10:11 pm EDT (Sydney)
1. 呼吸に集中し、心と体を数分間リラックスしてください。エジプトのギザ台地にいる主要活性化グループや世界各地の数多くのグループと繋がり、行動を同じくする一なるものになります。
2. 地球の周りには文字通り空を覆いつくすほどの善良なET文明のシップがいます。カバールに見つからないようにクロークしているため、肉眼では確認はできません。あなたの真上にいるシップの中にいる存在とエネルギー的に繋がってください。お好きなやり方で構いません。
3. 輝く白い光の柱が船から降りてきて、あなたの体を通って地球の中心まで届きます。そして、船の降下を呼びかけます。あなたの真上まで来て、どの方法でもいいので直接のコンタクトをしてください。人類の解放を支援してくれるように呼び掛けてください。ディスクロージャーとファーストコンタクトへの、無条件の決意をしてコミュニケーションをとってください。私達144,000人が行えば、素晴らしいことが起こります!
4. 強力なエネルギー反応を感じるかもしれません。しかし、物理的なコンタクトがあるかもしれないということもご留意ください。シップからの存在とも、しばらくの間ワンネスのままでいてください。
a) この活性化の日(12/21)は恐らくイベントが起こる日ではないでしょう。
b) 活性化の日(12月21日)は公式のファーストコンタクトや大量着陸が起きる日ではありません。
c) 活性化の日(12月21日)はネガティブな事件(ポーラーシフト、地球の大災害、2つの太陽、カバールによる偽旗など)が起こる日ではありません。
興味深いことに、CERNでは 12月17日から21日までの時間枠は粒子実験予定で集中的に埋められています。
こちらを読むことと、実際に参加することは全く違うことです。 場所によっては早朝となる時間ですが、可能な限り多くの人に参加していただきたいです。
1:11 am HAST (Hawaii)
2:11 am AKST (Alaska)
3:11 am PST (Los Angeles)
4:11 am MST (Denver)
5:11 am CST (Houston)
6:11 am EST (New York)
9:11 am BRST (Rio de Janeiro)
11:11 am GMT (London)
12:11 pm CET (Paris)
1:11 pm SAST (South Africa)
1:11 pm EET (Bulgaria)
1:11 pm EET (Cairo)
3:11 pm MSK (Moscow)
4:41 pm IST (India)
7:11 pm CST (Beijing)
8:11 pm JST (Tokyo)
10:11 pm EDT (Sydney)
1. 呼吸に集中し、心と体を数分間リラックスしてください。エジプトのギザ台地にいる主要活性化グループや世界各地の数多くのグループと繋がり、行動を同じくする一なるものになります。
2. 地球の周りには文字通り空を覆いつくすほどの善良なET文明のシップがいます。カバールに見つからないようにクロークしているため、肉眼では確認はできません。あなたの真上にいるシップの中にいる存在とエネルギー的に繋がってください。お好きなやり方で構いません。
3. 輝く白い光の柱が船から降りてきて、あなたの体を通って地球の中心まで届きます。そして、船の降下を呼びかけます。あなたの真上まで来て、どの方法でもいいので直接のコンタクトをしてください。人類の解放を支援してくれるように呼び掛けてください。ディスクロージャーとファーストコンタクトへの、無条件の決意をしてコミュニケーションをとってください。私達144,000人が行えば、素晴らしいことが起こります!
4. 強力なエネルギー反応を感じるかもしれません。しかし、物理的なコンタクトがあるかもしれないということもご留意ください。シップからの存在とも、しばらくの間ワンネスのままでいてください。
a) この活性化の日(12/21)は恐らくイベントが起こる日ではないでしょう。
b) 活性化の日(12月21日)は公式のファーストコンタクトや大量着陸が起きる日ではありません。
c) 活性化の日(12月21日)はネガティブな事件(ポーラーシフト、地球の大災害、2つの太陽、カバールによる偽旗など)が起こる日ではありません。
興味深いことに、CERNでは 12月17日から21日までの時間枠は粒子実験予定で集中的に埋められています。
Sunday, December 9, 2012
It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of solstice, at the end of the Mayan 5125 year cycle, on December 21st. On that day, a powerful flash of energy from the Galactic Central Sun will reach the Earth and trigger long lasting changes. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of our positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
The critical mass for this activation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass.
But to read about it is one thing and actually participate is completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.
We will all be doing this activation at the same time, the moment of the winter/sommer solstice, which comes on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11 am GMT. Exact times for different time zones are:
1:11 am HAST (Hawaii)
2:11 am AKST (Alaska)
3:11 am PST (Los Angeles)
4:11 am MST (Denver)
5:11 am CST (Houston)
6:11 am EST (New York)
9:11 am BRST (Rio de Janeiro)
11:11 am GMT (London)
12:11 pm CET (Paris)
1:11 pm SAST (South Africa)
1:11 pm EET (Bulgaria)
1:11 pm EET (Cairo)
3:11 pm MSK (Moscow)
4:41 pm IST (India)
7:11 pm CST (Beijing)
8:11 pm JST (Tokyo)
10:11 pm EDT (Sydney)
If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here:
Or look at the map here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes. Connect with our main activation group on the Giza plateau in Egypt and with many other groups worldwide so that we create One being in action.
2. There are many ships of positive ET civilizations surrounding the Earth, literally covering the sky in all locations and altitudes. Those ships are not visible to the naked eye because they are cloaked so the Cabal would not detect them. Choose a ship that is directly above your location and connect energetically with beings within that ship in whatever way works for you.
3. Visualize a pilar of brilliant white Light descending from the ship directly through your body to the center of the Earth. Now invite that ship to descend, hover directly above you and make contact with you in whatever way suitable. Ask the beings in that ship to assist humanity in the liberation process. Make an unconditional decision for Disclosure and First Contact and communicate this to them. If 144,000 of us do that, great things are possible!
4. You might get a strong energy response, but be prepared that any form of physical contact may happen as well. Stay in Oneness with beings from that ship for some time.
If you wish to take the contact with your chosen ship to a more advanced level, you can use CE-5 protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer. To receive instructions, you can join a CE-5 group here:
a) The date of this activation (December 21st) is likely NOT the date when the Event will be taking place
b) The date of this activation (December 21st) is NOT the date when the official First Contact / Mass Landings will be taking place
c) The date of this activation (December 21st) is absolutely NOT the date when any of the negative scenarios (polar shift, catastrophic Earth changes, two suns, any major Cabal's flase flag events, etc) will be taking place
Additional information about the time of completion before December 21st:
On December 12th, nine days before the end of the cycle, another portal will open. The portal of 12:12:12 is the final portal of synthesis and integration of all our lifetimes on Earth and a necessary preparation for our main activation on December 21st. On that day, an important victory of the Light forces will be achieved. All details about that victory are still classified as of now. December 12th is a very good day to join any of mass meditation groups around the planet as this will prepare you more for December 21st.
On December 12th, asteroid 4179 Toutatis will pass quite close to Earth. The passage of this asteroid will trigger the energy of synthesis and will NOT produce any cataclysmic events:
Time period between December 17th and December 21st is the final completion period. December 17th is the last major peak of the timewave as you can see on this graph:
December 18th is the date every year when our physical Sun conjuncts the Galactic Central Sun. This conjunction sends a powerful flash of energy from the central Sun every year and it usually last a few days. This year, it will be just a prelude to the main energy flash on the 21st.
Interestingly, the time frame between December 17th and 21st is also the period of intense particle experiments at CERN:
This is the last desperate attempt of the Cabal to prevet the opening of the Portal on December 21st. Needless to say, their attempt will NOT be successful, in fact these experiments will give an additional boost to the opening of the portal!
If you look at the astrological chart for December 21st, you will see a yod configuration pointing from Saturn at 9 degrees Scorpio, Venus at 7 degrees Sagittarius and Pluto at 9 degrees Capricorn, towards Jupiter at 9 degrees Gemini. What is significant with this yod configuration is that Venus is conjunct Antares opposing Jupiter conjunct Aldebaran. Antares-Aldebaran axis is a filament inside the Galactic network of Light which signifies the final completion of the Galactic wars, end of duality and final victory of the Light in this Galaxy. Together with Venus and Jupiter, this is a very good sign for our planet on December 21st.
If you look at the astrological chart for December 21st, you will see a yod configuration pointing from Saturn at 9 degrees Scorpio, Venus at 7 degrees Sagittarius and Pluto at 9 degrees Capricorn, towards Jupiter at 9 degrees Gemini. What is significant with this yod configuration is that Venus is conjunct Antares opposing Jupiter conjunct Aldebaran. Antares-Aldebaran axis is a filament inside the Galactic network of Light which signifies the final completion of the Galactic wars, end of duality and final victory of the Light in this Galaxy. Together with Venus and Jupiter, this is a very good sign for our planet on December 21st.
Updates about the Day of the Contact:
投稿 (Atom)