担保口座は第一次世界大戦後のカバールの創作物です。第一次大戦後、カバールは多くの国々に「 の金融システムが独立心の強い国営銀行と結びつくと、地政学的不安定を生み出して、また第一次世界大戦のような戦争が起きる」と説き伏せて、ゴールドを奪い保管していきました。 (BIS)はその理由から1930年に創設されました。BIS創設の後は、カバールは中国に向かい、中国人を説得し(穏便に済ませることもあれば、暴力的な時もありました)、インチキの債券と引き換えにゴールドを奪いました。カバールは債券の払い戻しをするつもりなど、さらさらありませんでした。次の段階として、「黄金の百合作戦」を通じて残りの東方のゴールドを奪い去り、さらにそれをフィリピン( )やインドネシアに埋蔵しました。
このゴールドは、 の下での西側世界の金融システムを負担するために使用されました。カバールは法定紙幣(訳注: 国が発行した通貨のこと)を使った「見える」金融システムを支配した一方で、中央銀行による取引プログラムへ多額のお金をつぎ込むことで完成させた「見えない」銀行システムも支配しました。隠されたゴールドは、その際の投資額の負担に使われたのです。それらの取引プログラムによって、天文学的な額の仮想上のお金が生み出されました。銀行から引き出せる額ではありません。それは影の銀行システム(例えばホワイト・スピリチュアル・ボーイ口座に預金された、仮想の100京ドルなど)から引き出されたお金の一部です。全体から見れば少額ですが、マネーロンダリングの作戦を通して引き出したお金も、それにつぎ込まれました。そしてカバールと繋がっていない者が、繁栄プログラムに近づこうとしたり、プログラムのほんの一部にでもカバール以外の者を含めようとしたら、すぐに捕らえられるか射殺されてしまいました。


何故イベントがまだ起こらないのか疑問に思っている人が多くいます。何故なら、イベントの前にエーテル界のネガティブなエンティティーが全て排除されていなければならないからです。そうしなければ、惑星地表のイベントの作戦チームの主要メンバーが、調和した働きができないからです。イベント時に統計的平均数100,000人の死者が出るというのは本当です。(訳注: についてだと思われます。) しかし、イベント時のオペレーションに従事する地表の住人の鍵となる人の間で何か間違いを犯してしまった場合、死傷者の数ははるかに大きくなり、簡単に何千万人という数になってしまいます。光の勢力もそのようなリスクを取ることは避けたいと思っています。エーテル的アルコンの影響を受け、他者を容認しない態度を取るようになったライトワーカー、ライトウォーリアーと呼ばれる人々を、何度も見てきました。フランス革命を思い出してください。あれもそうやって始まり、どのような結末となったかはご存知の通りです。
翻訳: NOGI
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System
There is a lot of confusion about the collateral accounts, even among people working behind the scenes. Let us clear that confusion.
Collateral accounts were a creation of the Cabal after WW1 when they persuaded many nations to give up their gold into their custody with an excuse that a gold-backed financial system with strong independent national banks creates geopolitical instability and can lead into wars like WW1. Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created for that reason in 1930. After the creation of BIS, the Cabal went to China and persuaded the Chinese (sometimes gently and sometimes not so gently) to give up their gold in exchange for phony bonds.The Cabal never had any intention to repay these bonds back. The next phase of their operations was to steal the rest of the Eastern gold through the operation Golden Lily and then bury their lot in Philippines (Yamashita gold) and in Indonesia.
This gold was used to underwrite the western financial system under Bretton Woods agreement. The Cabal controlled the apparently fiat financial system which was visible and hid the shadow banking system which was created by putting large sums of money into central banking trading programs, using the hidden gold to back up their investment. Those programs soon generated astronomical sums of virtual money which could not be taken out of the banks as it was part of the shadow banking system (for example White Spiritual Boy account with all its virtual quadrillions of dollars) and only very small part of it was taken out through money laundering operations. Nobody who was not tied to Cabal was ever allowed close to those prosperity programs and even a small fraction of the programs that tried to include non-Cabal oriented people were soon seized or shot down by the Cabal.
The Cabal was steadily using the gold they have stolen to finance the construction of their underground military bases and their secret space program between 1953 and 2004.
In February 2012, the Resistance Movement removed all that gold from the hands of the Cabal. This is the reason Fulford can not find real proof of any current gold vaults anywhere in Asia. That removal of gold was a brilliant move. From then on we are having a real fiat financial system on the surface on the planet. That kind of financial system is very unstable and the Cabal has to be very careful with their financial machinations. For the first time in human history the financial system in not underwritten by gold. This creates a dynamic tension which speeds up the Event because such financial system can not exist for a very long time and would eventually collapse on its own due to lack of trust and lack of real foundation and that would be the last possible moment for the Event.
Now the Cabal tries to underwrite their unstable financial system with worldwide real estate grab and this is the reason for so many foreclosures of homes.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the bonds the Cabal was issuing since the 1930s. These bonds can be never repaid back since the Cabal does not have the gold they stole throughout the ages from humanity anymore. They are also very short on liquid cash and that little they have is far from enough to repay even a small fraction of those bonds.
The purpose of these bonds is not to extract value from the Cabal but to use them as a tool to enforce the bankruptcy of their corrupt financial system when the time is right.
Historical owners of all that gold and bonds that represent it are not the Chinese, nor Keenan, nor White Dragons Society, nor anybody appointed M1 (monetary controller).The institute of M1 is a creation of the Cabal. The owner and true heir is humanity as a whole and after the Event the collateral accounts will be transferred to humanity in total.
After the Event the Resistance will return the gold to humanity and it will be stored on the surface of the planet to underwrite the new financial system. Therefore that gold will not be traded in open market, whereas gold in private ownership will be traded and exchanged freely.
This structuring of the new financial system is one part of a secret agreement which was made between 57 members of the Eastern Alliance in the Monaco Accords meeting in August 2011.
No new M1 will be appointed. No member of the Cabal will be allowed anywhere close to the collateral accounts, let alone the new Jesuit pope, and most of those people will be arrested anyway.
Various groups that are working to liberate the financial system from the hands of the Cabal (White Dragons, Keenan, OPPT) will have advisory role and a council of government officials democratically elected after the Event will be the trustees of the collateral accounts. The whole system will be completely transparent and this transparency will be supervised by the Resistance Movement.
Currency Revaluation (Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Vong) will have a minor role in the reset of the financial system as this is a transition into a true gold backed system under the supervision of the Light forces and NOT a speculative revaluation of currencies.
This new financial system will be only a temporary solution as true cashless society will be created on the surface of this planet after the First Contact, backed up by advanced spiritual technologies of the Galactic Confederation. This cashless society will recognize true value of incarnated human souls and will provide them with physical and spiritual abundance.
Many people are wondering why the Event does not happen already. It is because all etheric negative entities must be removed before that in order for the key members of the Event operation teams on the surface of the planet to work harmoniously. It is true that statistical mean value for the expected number of casualties at the time of the Event is around 100,000 people. But if anything goes wrong among the key people of the surface population coordinating the Event operations, it could be much higher and easily reach tens of millions of people and that is something the Light forces are not willing to risk. We have seen so many instances when so-called light workers or light warriors manifested intolerable behavior because they were under the influence of the etheric Archons. You might remember the French Revolution. It started so well and you know how it ended.
The Event will happen when it will happen. Until it happens, let us do everything that is within our power to make it happen as soon as possible in a harmonious way. It is important for the Light forces on the surface of the planet to unite, communicate, coordinate intel and align strategies.
The next part of the planetary situation update will be most likely posted one or two weeks from now.