


COBRA はCOmpression BReAkthrough (圧縮状態の突破)を略したコードネームです。地表はサンドイッチのように圧縮されています。地球を解放するため、光の勢力である銀河連合は空中から下向きに地表に向かっています。一方、光の勢力であるレジスタンス・ムーブメントは地底から上向きに地表へ邁進中です。


この押し込まれた圧縮状態の中で、組織的な秘密も個人的な秘密もすべて光によって次々と暴かれていきます。やがて上から覆い尽くす光と、下から突き上げる光が地表で出会うと、それこそ Compress Breakthrough の瞬間です。そう、地球解放の瞬間です!この瞬間を私たちは「イベント」と呼びます。イベントでは、カバールの逮捕も含まれていますが、それに留まりません。これは人類が長らく待ち望んだ黄金時代への幕開けとなる多次元イベントの引き金でもあるのです。闇が取り除かれれば、人類は手を取り合って、自分の未来を切り拓けるようになります。





翻訳: 夜明け前 


Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is Cobra?

COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.

The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore. 

The ongoing process of compression means that Light will expose everything that is hidden, collectively and individually. When Light from above and Light from below meet right on the surface of the planet, this is the moment of compression breakthrough. That occurrence is called the Event. The Event includes, but is not limited to mass arrests of the Cabal. Rather it is a multidimensional trigger event that starts the process of entering into the long-awaited Golden Age. With darkness removed, humanity will be able to co-create its own future.

Who is Cobra?

Cobra is a codename for the writer of this blog. Cobra’s identity must remain veiled for now for various reasons. Cobra is not associated with military or Drake, although he/she perceives Drake as the most reliable messenger for the Plan. Cobra may or may not be part of the Resistance Movement.

What is important is the message and not the messenger. Human mind usually associates given message with perceived characteristics of the messenger and this tends to cloud its objectivity.

Along with posts from the Resistance Movement and some other advanced sources, Cobra may occasionally post in this blog certain pieces from Benjamin, David, Drake or any other credible messengers. We are all in this fight for victory of the Light together!