現在、惑星地球に生まれている誰もがインプラントされたままです。隔離された地球の領域に入るとき、あるいはその前に、インプラントを受けたからです。それらはプラズマのマイクロ・ブラック・ホールで、強力なプラズマ電磁場(plasmatic electromagnetic field)の中で回転しています。それらの目的は、時空を歪めて初期異常を保つことと、そうすることで惑星地球の隔離状態を保つことです。
(訳注:local bubble; 局所バブル、ローカル・バブル、局所泡[きょくしょあわ]。銀河系のオリオン腕の星間物質にある空洞。オリオン腕とは太陽系が属する渦状腕[かじょうわん]。地球から見ると、オリオン座が見える方向の近くに確認されるため、こう呼ばれている。オリオン腕の幅が約1000光年で、太陽系は中央付近にあるため、概ね500光年以内にある天体は、オリオン腕内にあると考えられる。因みにリゲルは地球から700光年くらい。リゲルの上にある、オリオンの左肩のγ星、ベラトリクスは250光年くらいで、オリオン座では地球から一番近い)
(訳注:2015年2月9日付「太陽系の最新情報」; 今年の1月末からは、闇の最後の残滓をこの太陽系から一掃する作戦を始めています。この作戦のコードネームはMOSS(Multidimensional Operations Solar System)です)
NASA と MSSS(Malin Space Science Systems―マリン・スペース・サイエンス・システムズ社)は、太陽系に知的生命がいる証拠を消そうとしましたが、いくつかは漏れてしまいました。皆さんはNASAの本物の画像をここで見ることが出来ます。
Now Creation
Now Creation
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Chimera Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. What is remaining is the network of plasma implants, connected with each other through the Tunnels of set, and tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.
This implant network was slowly built throughout millions of years across this quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the Chimera group who were master strategy planners of the Orion / Draco / Reptilian military complex.
Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus planet Earth quarantine status:
You need to understand that the physical plane matter is just a condensed plasma wave and plasma anomaly reflects directly on the physical plane.
As the Light forces progressed with the liberation of the Galaxy through the millennia, the dark forces retreated towards planet Earth, their last stronghold. By manipulating quantum anomaly and activating many negative stargates with nukes and particle accelerators after WW2 and especially after 1996 they have actually managed to turn our planet into a quantum stargate / well which attracts all remaining primary anomaly from the rest of the universe:
Coming reactivation of LHC at CERN does not pose any danger and does not increase the depth of the Earth's quantum well because the Light forces now handle the production of physical strangelets and toplets and can counteract any physical manipulation of those particles.
Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.
This quantum well creates a plasma accretion vortex around the Earth which extends hundreds of light years across the so-called local bubble:
Rarefied hot plasma from that area gets teleported towards the Earth superluminally through the tunnels of Set.
This plasma gets gathered by the Chimera in the implant guardian stations throughout the Solar System and then distributed through the tunnels of Set towards implants of the surface humanity.
Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons:
There is a lot of activity in the Solar System and some of it even gets noticed here on Earth. Like this strange impact on the Moon a few weeks ago:
Or this one on Mars a few years earlier:
Seven Sisters area on Mars is the entry point into the subsurface hangars for the Pleiadian Fleet from where the Mars aspect of MOSS is coordinated:
Any artificial activity in our Solar System can be easily detected and measured:
NASA and MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) tried to erase the evidence of intelligent life in the Solar System but a few things slipped through their hands. You can see some genuine NASA images here.
Monolith on Mars:
Monolith on Phobos:
Mothership on the Moon:
Mothership behind Rhea:
There is significant progress with the MOSS operations and I will be able to release a lot of intel in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join us on the Breakthrough conference near Eastbourne in UK, close to Seven Sisters national park, which is a Pleiadian alignment portal. We will be having our conference on April 11th and 12th, when a lot of new intel will be released:
The Breakthrough is near!