非物質界では、残り全てのネガティブエンティティ―を掃討するための、光の勢力の最終攻撃が開始されました。攻勢は非物質界が完全に開放されるまで続き、状況に関わらず撤退の選択肢はありません。この攻勢は惑星解放に必要となる要素の一つであり、1944年の第二次世界大戦での連合国側の勝利を確実なものにした「 」に比類するものです。解放までには時間を要しますが、私達の勝利は確実です。

翻訳: NOGI
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Short Situation Update
Significant progress has been made after the opening the Portal on May 25th.
Significant progress has been made after the opening the Portal on May 25th.
On the non-physical planes, the final offensive of the Light forces to clear all remaining negative entities has commenced. This offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes and the Light forces will not retreat under any circumstances. This offensive is one of the key elements for the planetary liberation and we can compare it with Operation Overlord offensive in 1944 which decided the victory of the Allied forces in World War 2. Although it will still take some time for the liberation to be completed, our victory is assured.
In the subterranean network below the surface of the planet, a process of integration of the Resistance Movement into the Galactic Confederation is taking place. Many different positive cosmic races are building their bases in the deeper portions of the underground network as part of spiritual, cultural and sociological integration process. You need to understand that only about 70 percent of Galactic races are humanoid and there are many exotic forms of life out there. Nevertheless, cosmic Love is the deeper bond which connects all these races, no matter how strange or exotic their physical body or psychological makeup might be. This integration process will strengthen cosmic Love and brotherhood between different cosmic races and the Resistance as part of preparations for the First Contact for the surface population which will happen after the Event. The other part of this process will include the appearance of certain members of some of those races on the surface of the planet within this year of 2013. Those appearances may or may not be public. Details about this project must remain classified for now.
Needless to say, there are many projects and operations taking place behind the scenes and hopefully soon there will be results and I will have interesting news.