
世界解放の日の後も、私達の解放プロセスは続きます。これは最後に実際の解放を起こすための世界的プロセスなのです。私はここに、自由になりたがっている全ての人々に、積極的に参加いただくように呼びかけています。ドレイクが広めているプロセスはアメリカで始まっており、今は世界中に拡がっていっています。ご自身の国にも自由をもたらすことを積極的に参加して支援したいのならば、ドレイクを支援している「Freedom Reigns」グループのこちらのメールアドレスで連絡をしてください。
Victory of the Light!
翻訳: NOGI
Friday, May 4, 2012
Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom.
Many groups have designed their own visualizations for this event. This is ok if they are so guided, but it would be better to use the exact visualization I have specified, to create the most effective result. You can find it here:
After the World Liberation Day, our liberation process will continue. It is a global process that will culminate in our actual liberation. Hereby I am issuing a call to all people wanting to be free to actively participate. The process that Drake is speaking about and has started in the US is now spreading worldwide. If you want to actively participate in assisting to create freedom for your own country, please contact Freedom Reigns group that is supporting Drake’s efforts at their email
Victory of the Light!