


Twitter共同創設者のジャック ドーシーは、今回の瞑想開始の瞬間に瞑想マークをTwitterに投稿しました。


ニューワールドオーダー計画は、1. ウイルス散布、2. 経済崩壊、3. 人口削減という3段階から成り立っています。
本計画は、ビル ゲイツ、デイビット ロックフェラー、ジョージ ソロス、マイケル ブルンバーグなどが、2009年のマンハッタン会合で最終決定されたものです。





情報筋によると、本ウイルスの実際の作成ではビル ゲイツが指揮するチームが関与しています。

情報筋によると、アンソニー ファウチも本ウイルス作成に関与していました。


これによって、ビル ゲイツ、アンソニー ファウチ、テドロス アダノム、ジョージ ソロス、ジャレッド・クシュナー、江沢民らによる次の計画となる全世界対象の予防接種と18か月間のロックダウンへとつながりました。

ビル ゲイツが本計画の首謀者で、人々にマイクロチップを埋め込む算段です。

ビル ゲイツは、ジェフリー エプスタインと強いつながりがありました。

WHO事務局長のテドロス アダノムにも、かなりいかがわしい過去があります。



その計画に対しては強い反対があります。白い貴族のケネディー家のメンバーであるロバート ケネディーJrは、反ワクチン運動を止めさせるために親族2名の殺害という間接的な脅迫を受けました。

一方、ロバート ケネディーJrは反撃して、ビル ゲイツのことを暴露しました。


そしていま、ビル ゲイツによるカバール派閥はすでに敗北しつつあります。









こちらに映っているのは、長さ約7マイル(≒11.3KM)のプレアデスの小型のマザーシップで、月の裏側から月面から30マイル上空の月周回軌道のエンディミオン クレーターを通ってやってきたものです。

Victory of the Light!  光の勝利!

翻訳 Terry

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Victory Report

Our mass meditation was a huge, enormous success. About 8 million people were informed, with over 1.1 million actually participating.

Collective display of unity was amazing:

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, has given a nod to our meditation at the exact moment when the meditation started:

We have literally saturated the planetary quantum field with our focused, unified intent, influencing the geomagnetic field:

Our meditation has proven that if enough focused intent is present and if a vision is strong enough, the awakened part of the surface population in able to act in unity. This means that when the Event happens, many of the surface Lightworks and Lightwarriors may be included in certain operations of the Light Forces which were before considered off limits. The Light Forces will give direct instructions for this when the time is right.

Our meditation has been able to curb the spread of the virus. The number of new infections worldwide has peaked on April 4th just before the meditation, and is in decline ever since:

We were also able to additionally stabilize the positive Ascension timeline which will stop New World Order plans for mass depopulation in its tracks.

Their plan has three phases: a) release the virus, b) crash the economy, c) depopulate.

Third phase will never happen so we do not need to go into details, second phase will have limited effects and we will now look more into the details of the first phase of their plan.

This plan was finalized by Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and others on a meeting in Manhattan in 2009:

Actual creation of the virus was an international cooperation of labs in USA, Canada and China, with final phases of the virus creation being done in Wuhan:

Wuhan biolab connection is something China wants to suppress:

And something Trump administration wants to investigate:

And some lawsuits are already being filed:

According to sources, the actual creation of the virus involved teams under supervision of Bill Gates. Frank Plummer, a former director of Canadian biolab which was involved in the creation of the virus, was directly involved in the creation of the virus himself, was a MK-Ultra controlled victim of the Cabal, was developing the virus against his will and was killed by the Cabal before he could talk too much:

According to sources, Anthony Fauci was involved in the creation of the virus as well:

While the Pleiadians were able to contain the Chinese strain of the virus , the Cabal agents have injected three different strains of the virus in South Korea, Iran and Italy. Korean and Iranian strains were contained, but the Italian one was not and is now responsble for vast majority of infections worldwide.

Here it is interesting to note that not even one of about 60 members of my Lightworkers team in Wuhan got infected. They were using Command RCV Stardust protocol daily.

The Cabal has ordered the EU countries to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe, and later with direct flights from Milan to New York also to the United States. The Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions:

This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns:

Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population:

Bill Gates had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein:

Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also:

All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine:

And manipulating the data about the virus:

There is strong opposition to their plans, and Robert Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy White Nobility bloodline, was threatened indirectly by two of his relatives being killed to make him stop his anti-vaccine work:

Instead, RFK Jr. is fighting back, exposing Gates:

The following petition is also going viral, and you can sign if you feel so guided:

And now, Bill Gates Cabal faction is already losing:

With more reliable medical information and evidence about the coronavirus being released:

Together with some alternative perspectives on the virus:

It appears that we are far closer to herd immunity than we thought, and the pandemic may be soon over for good:

Sweden, which did not impose lockdowns, is going through the pandemic fairly well:

Regarding the second phase of the Cabal's plans (crashing the economy), there are already talks in the mainstream about a debt jubilee:

And mass distribution of wealth by the Fed:

Which would not be so difficult to do, if we disregard the consequent hyperinflation, as the Fed could easily print the money:

Current coronavirus situation is turning more and more into a global initiation into the next level of evolution in the planetary Ascension process:

With Pleiadians being more and more involved.

This video of Pleiadian motherships was recorded on March 26th:

It shows a small fleet of Pleiadian motherships, each about 7 miles long, that came from the far side of the Moon and then across Endymion crater in a Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) about 30 miles above lunar surface, casting shadows on lunar terrain.

Those motherships look like this:

Main Pleiadian fleet was able to use the Pleiades-Venus conjunction portal on April 4th and now they are positioned in inner Solar System, fully ready and operational, ready to assist in the planetary liberation:

They are also developing a more advanced version of stardust technology which will make the virus less lethal and dangerous. There are already reports from credible medical sources that the virus has mutated in a less dangerous strain.

I am not at liberty to release any intel about current planetary liberation operations, the only thing I can say is when the mass arrests really do happen, news about them will be released through the mainstream media.

The war is not over yet, and we need to keep holding the Light.

Victory of the Light!