
終末期の狂気 続報






緊急!中国の新型ウイルスの感染を封じ込めるための瞑想 (2020/1/22)


2月6日 武漢から現状報告
1. 食料と日用品の供給は十分。食料品をめぐっての暴力行為や口論はない。
2. 大半の人が、感染を避けるために自主的に自宅待機している。大半の交通機関は運行を停止している。限られた特殊車両と運搬車が一般道の走行を許可されている。
3. 中国政府は、中国全土にわたり2月9日まで旧正月を延長した。感染が深刻な都市では、その時期が更に延長される。
4. ライトワーカーで同一の地区にいる友人、親戚、隣人が感染している。
5. 「日々の感染者数」が増加し続けているので、病院で新規感染者を隔離する収容力が不足している。中国政府は、中程度の症状のある新規感染者をホテルや建設した簡易病院施設に収容している。
6. 多くの人が、輸送、献金、医療、水・食料・マスクの送付などのためにWeChatを使ってやり取りしている。愛に満ちた話がWEBで拡散されているので、恐怖心の払拭や助け合いの高まりなどにつながっている。
7. 武漢のライトワーカーはとてもポジティブで、光の勢力がウイルスを除去してくれると信じており、全員が真剣に瞑想をしている。コブラと光の勢力に感謝申し上げる。





Victory of the Light! 
翻訳: Terry

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Endtime Madness Update

The coronavirus scare has manged to keep a large part of human population in fear and a large proportion of China under quarantine.

Having so many people quarantined has enabled the Light Forces to completely clear all plasma Chimera spiders and all other Chimera entities from the non-physical planes. Now the Light Forces are removing all remaining plasma Archon, Draco, Reptilian and other entities with full speed and when such a large proportion of Chinese population stays at home, this not only prevents the spread of coronavirus, but also the spread of plasma entities which are now effectively being starved out in China, leading to a chain reaction of entity removal on a planetary scale, never experienced before.

The spread of coronavirus follows a sigmoid (logistic) curve:

and is already beginning to peter out.

Chinese expert Zhong Nanshan is expecting the peak of the outbreak in mid or late February, and the infection to be over by April:

Prediction model from JP Morgan yields a similar result, with the infection peaking in a few weeks:


One of the more effective ways to deal with the coronavrus infection is vitamin C:

And lots of clean, fresh air:

Pleiadians have developed a new protocol for virus removal that can help people in the infected areas, primarily in Hubei province in China, but also elsewhere on the planet.

If you know, feel, or fear that you have contracted the virus, or would like to disinfect the area around you, you can repeat three times in your mind.

Command RCV stardust”.

The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to help remove the virus. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects in the comment section on my blog where this article is posted. Please be aware that this protocol is NOT a substitute for medical treatment.

Our mass meditation every 4 hours can help the situation also, and you are encouraged to participate:

In most areas of the planet the coronavirus infection can be compared to a bad flu, with coronavirus mortality rate worldwide outside of Hubei province being 0.6 percent , and worldwide common flu mortality rate being 0.1 percent.

In Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak, the mortality rate is still around 3% due to high number of cases who can not get proper medical treatment as there are simply not enough hospitals and medical personnel.

Apart from that, situation in Wuhan is not as bad as many media outlets would like to portray. Here is a report from Wuhan from my sources on February 6th:

Some alternative media are spreading false information about “population culling” in China. This is what my sources from Wuhan had to say about this on February 11th:

And a fresh update from Wuhan today: 

But, Chinese government is still trying to hide the existence of its military bioweapons program in Wuhan that is the source of this coronavirus:

Chinese do not want to lose face and would never admit that their bioweapons program went out of hand and that a Zionist infiltrator stole a sample of virus from Wuhan lab and set it free to infect the Chinese people.

The question here is, who killed Dr. Plummer?

A certain mainland Chinese Dragon group has communicated that if the situation with the coronavirus is not resolved very very soon, they will release evidence about Chinese Secret Space program through Chinese media outlets.

On Saturday, there was a top level strategic summit in the Tycho lunar base where representatives of all major non-surface Light factions have come to a mutual strategic agreement on how to proceed with the planetary liberation operations. This new, reinforced plan will be executed with precision and efficiency. All non-surface Light factions have agreed to form a strategic alliance, which is called Atlantis Alliance.

Galactic Confederation ships will be much more active in Earth's atmosphere in the next few weeks and months, and many people are receiving dreams and visions about this:

Betelgeuse, one of the main stars in Orion, is showing early signs of potentially going supernova:

The Blue Dawn is coming.

Victory of the Light!