
別の情報源は「キングは狩猟シーズンの開幕を宣言した」と述べました。この「キング」からの声明に関連した興味深い情報として、ジョージ・ブッシュ父は 「マートの正義」から警告を受けました。
(記事要約: 「マートの正義」による制裁で心臓発作を起こして亡くなったロックフェラーに続き、ブッシュ父が肝炎で緊急入院。先週の月曜日に、プレアデス人は指向性エネルギー兵器の件でロシア軍の最高幹部に連絡した。)
もしこのライトワーカーやライトウォーリアへの攻撃が止まない場合、EMP(電磁気汚染)攻撃または同様の電子攻撃作戦で、これらの犯罪に加担した特定の主力組織を無力化する選択肢が上がっています。最初の攻撃対象として言及されたのは DARPA (国防総省国防高等研究事業局) と大手航空機・防衛機器メーカーのレイセオン社です。

そして、そのロシアの電子攻撃能力のテストが火曜日に行われました。部分的ではあるが、次の正確な報告に書かれていたように、ロシアの電子攻撃システム「ヒビヌイ」がアラスカ全域の NORAD (ノーラッド、北米航空宇宙防衛司令部)を機能停止させることに成功したとありました。
一つ言っておきたいことは、NORAD がダウンしていた間に、プレアデス人は地表で特定の行動をしました。
(記事要約: 4月21日午前6時にまずニューヨークに停電が起きて、続いてロサンゼルス、さらにサンフランシスコも停電に見舞われた。コンピューターの立ち往生や交通渋滞が起きた。サンフランシスコでは9万人が影響を受けた。停電の原因は不明。これらはただの偶然の一致で、相関関係を示す証拠がないと関係者はいうが、それにしても奇妙なことだ。)
(記事要約: 純白な光の柱を通して波動を上げよう。ハイヤーセルフの玉座で I Am Presence と融合しましょう。)

Victory of the Light!
翻訳: Shigeru Mabuchi / PFC-JAPAN Official Group
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Situation Update
Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:
they have turned to electronic warfare.
Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal's plans to create global war.
Directed energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:
These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:
These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:
Also, the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity. These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the target with a directed energy weapon:
A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally. They „shoot first and ask questions later.“ They have issued a warning, stating that „anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.“ They have also stated that an „international diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.“
Another source has stated that „the King has declared the opening of the hunting season.“ Regarding this statement from the „King“ it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from Maat:
Last Monday, the Pleiadians have contacted top Russian military personnel about the directed energy weapons issue. If the attacks on the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare operation. The first two targets mentioned were DARPA and Raytheon.
Russian electronic warfare capabilities were tested on Tuesday, when Russian electronic warfare system Khibiny has successfully paralyzed NORAD across Alaska, as you can read in this partially correct report:
Here I need to say that while NORAD was down, the Pleiadians took certain action on the surface of the planet.
The following article was issued as a warning to negative factions within DARPA and US Air Force:
Also, power outages in San Francisco, LA and New York were NOT a coincidence:
Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested beyond limits. Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:
The other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs and your social networks:
Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted countless situations before.
Victory of the Light!