Our internet poll has shown that 90% of the awakened population (14,112 of 15,660 people who voted) is in favor of the Event taking place now and is at least theoretically willing to take risks that triggering the Event might entail.
Our street survey of the general population has brought similar results. Around 20 volunteers did »sociology research« in various locations on all five continents. I gave them the following instructions:
»The purpose is to conduct this survey on a busy street or inside a shopping center in a large or small city where you can stop many people anonymously. The purpose here is to get an accurate sample of the general human population. Do not search for awakened people or people of a certain age, gender or social status. Do not try to convince people into anything. Do not give any explanations about the Event, ETs, Cobra, the new financial system, etc. Do not try to convince anybody into participating in this survey, there are many that will be willing to stop for a minute and cooperate. Just say that you are conducting a street survey for a sociology research and you can then give them the document I attached to this email (of which you will make many copies) to those who are willing to cooperate. They can either circle an answer YES or NO. The goal is to collect between 200 and 1000 answers in the general area where you will be conducting the survey. Please send the results (numbers YES and NO) back to me as soon as possible.«
We collected 5853 valid answers, of which 5064 people circled YES. This means that almost 87% of the general surface population would be open to partnership with the Resistance and positive ET civilizations after the Event. It is interesting to note that results did not vary much across different countries and continents.
The petition did not bring expected results. Due to heavy interference from the Cabal, we have managed to gather only about 20,000 signatures.
Also, some people are wondering if this is just a »phishing scam« to gather names and addresses of people. No, it is not. Neither me nor the Resistance have any interest in gathering that kind of data. Also, if you worry about governments collecting that data, you can just switch off your cell phone and computer right now. They already have content of all your emails, all of your phone conversations, and your real time location whenever you have your cell phone near you. But do not worry again, all this is just raw data sitting somewhere in their computers and it is very unlikely any human being will ever look at it since all alphabet agencies have vast amounts of data to process every day to keep the Matrix running and too little time to look at it all.
If people can not handle a simple petition, how will they handle the Event? I can assure you, after the Event the comfort zones of everybody will be definitely expanded or challenged, one way or another.
It is very important for the signing process to continue despite the opposition. The number of signatures does NOT determine the timing of the Event, but more signatures can definitely help to ease the process energetically. You can sign the petition here:
The RM2m special task force has evaluated the results of the poll, survey, petition and some other intel and has determined that most of the surface population would support the Event taking place now, but would not be willing to step out of their comfort zones and actively support the actions of the Light forces, at least initially.
The Resistance will trigger the Event when instructed from the Source, although they would like this to happen as soon as possible. They are fully aware that people have had enough and want to see some action.
One of the main problems is maintaining the system infrastructure in the first few hours after the Event is triggered and the arrests start taking place.
Years ago, key members of the Cabal have insured themselves against their removal from the surface of the planet by putting special computer code in the main programs that run industrial control systems which form the backbone of the current infrastructure (electricity, water, food production and distribution). This computer code requires special sections of those main programs to be updated daily by the key members of the Cabal signing in with fingerprint and iris identification. If only one key member of the Cabal fails to sign up or pushes the panic button, a virus is activated and it crashes the program, creating a cascade of disruptions in the infrastructure. Imagine what can happen if more of them fail to sign in:
Although the Resistance can now reset the financial system with a push of a button, its control of internet is not sufficient enough to guarantee a smooth running of the industrial control systems infrastructure in the first few critical hours after the Event. The Resistance is now dealing with this problem and it will be resolved.
The other problem is that most rich people got rich by their involvement with the Cabal one way or another and most of them have little secrets they don't wish to expose. They might be fiercely against the Light forces after the Event is triggered, fearing to lose their little privileges. The Resistance suggests general amnesty to those who were not involved in deeply inhumane criminal acts and fair trial for the rest of them. The Resistance also suggest that they may keep all wealth which was gained in fair business endeavors and to share all unfairly gained wealth with the rest of humanity. Here is one fairly good proposal:
There is also a good article about debt offset. There is no direct link ( source website http://src-fla.us/index.php/news2e629 ), so I am quoting the article verbatim:
»Right Of Offset.
Banks have long enjoyed the privilege of offset as prescribed to them by statute and common law. That right allows the bank to take money the bank owes you and offset it against the loan you owe the bank. Thus they can pull money from your savings account to pay off your car loan.
I am sharing this with you because Karen Hudes briefly mentions this right in her latest interview, but in reverse. She mentions governments that owe the bankers offsetting for the gold the Federal Reserve owes those countries but refuses to give back to them. The Fed also refuses to honor the bonds they gave those countries for their gold prior to WWII. So Hudes is suggesting that those defrauded countries just offset the debts and call it even. So why hasn't it been done yet?
It hasn't been done yet because the Fed Reserve has been playing a shell game with the world. The money lent to countries have been done so either by the IMF, the World Bank or another Central banking system. But what is happening now is that the world is awakening and realizing that all of those individual banks are just parts of the whole – the Cabal's network of global banking system. Each week that passes countries are getting madder and madder about being defrauded by that global banking system.
The day is near when they start mailing in letters to the banks with just one statement on it, “ Accounts Offset. All accounts settled.” When that happens those countries will keep one third of their revenues and all of their natural resources to provide for their own citizens. All of that will be realized by the cost of just one postage stamp. The time is coming folks.«
There are other factors delaying the Event but they will not be discussed now. They are being dealt with and I will speak about them when the time is right. The Event and the subsequent coming of the Golden Age is written in the very essence of our Soul and deep down we all know this is what we are here for. Doubts about the change and feelings of despair are artificially created by the etheric Archons and their technology in their last desperate attempts to slow down the process.
Regardless of appearances, final victory of the Light is near!
Our Return to Innocence activation was a partial success. Although the critical mass on the surface of the planet has not been reached, we have still managed to anchor a lot of energy of innocence into the planetary energy grid. This will help dissolving the Matrix in the near future.
Our core group in Glastonbury was extremely successful, fully anchoring the energy into the Glastonbury vortex and transmitting it into the etheric planetary energy grid through the leylines. Instead of heavy stormy weather which was forecast, we created this:
Just before the activation we have been guided to visit a subterranean energy vortex in Glastonbury and it was a very special experience. That spot is one of entrances into subterranean tunnels and while we gathered around the sacred pool, we were being discreetly watched and blessed by the Resistance.
Although the window of opportunity has closed today, we have collectively managed to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet significantly with all the portals we have opened in the past. This means that the Event can now also happen anytime between windows of opportunity and the next window of opportunity in spring next year means only an increased probability for the Event, which can happen before that, then, or after. The Light forces are doing everything to prepare the surface conditions for the Event so that it can happen as soon as possible.
More details about the planetary situation and the Event are coming in my next update.
Until now, more than 12,000 people have voted in our poll and over 88% of them are in favor of triggering the Event as soon as possible. We have conducted this poll for the Chinese people in a little bit different way since the Portal 2012 website is blocked in China and most of the Chinese population could not vote on the site directly. In China, additional 388 people have voted, of which 339 (87%) would like to experience the Event now.
There were some crazy people out there trying to hijack the voting process (the Resistance knows who they are) but the vast majority of votes are valid and real and represent the will of an important part of the awakened population on the surface of this planet.
The Resistance Movement was waiting for the poll numbers to reach 12,000 people and then evaluated the situation. 12,000 people represents a certain critical mass of the awakened population and clearly the vast majority have expressed their free will and are supporting the action to be taken soon. This creates a very powerful exopolitical statement which needs to be taken seriously.
Free will is extremely important. The spark of free will in all of us is the divine spark which is actually our direct connection with the One/Source/Creator. The Source is not an energy or entity outside of us, it is rather the deepest aspect of all of us and it is actually the divine spark in us that took the vote. The Event will happen when all aspects of divinity, us here on the surface, the Resistance below the surface and the positive ET races above the surface, will align in a synchronized manner to trigger the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. And we as a collective DO have a say in this process, although we are not the only factor involved.
In light of the current developments, the Resistance Movement and positive ET Light races, in full alignment with the will of the One/Source, have decided not to wait for the non-physical planes to be completely clear to trigger the Event. This will allow for much easier disintegration of the etheric implants as those implants will be faced with physical evidence of changes and this will effectively dissolve all implanted mind programs and the remaining etheric matrix.
Certain risks will be taken by the Light forces to speed up the Event, but this also means that the transition will not be a smooth as it was originally hoped. When the Event actually happens is not known yet, as the new plan has not yet been completely finalized.
The Resistance Movement has expressed its concern about the lack of cooperation between the leading members of the awakened human population, as that can make the whole transition process much harder for humanity. On the other hand, they understand that cooperation is not easy when true spiritual guidance on the surface of the planet is clearly absent. Therefore they have decided to initiate contact after the Event with those members of the awakened population that will be open to it, and offer them spiritual guidance. In the first phase after the Event, the Resistance will not address the human masses directly but will instruct the awakened part of the human population how to deal with the planetary situation and the human masses. Thus a partnership will be established that will build on mutual trust and understanding.
In order to promote a deeper understanding of what the Event is and to explain the background of the current planetary situation, I have been interviewed by Alfred Labremont Webre on Exopolitics TV:
Although we have reached a certain critical mass of 12,000 people, it is very important that you keep voting until December 21st, when the poll closes. There is strength in numbers and more people do vote, more our collective free will will be able to contribute to the situation.
The RM2m special task force has asked us for additional support. A significant part of the awakened population has expressed their will, but to further evaluate the plans for the Event, the general population on the surface of the planet needs to be involved.
Therefore they are asking for a few volunteers to be willing to conduct street surveys in their own country regarding this issue. We need at least three independent surveys (preferably on three different continents) with at least 200 (preferably 1000) people voting, in a little bit different way, to understand more the perspective of the general surface population. We would ask the volunteers to contact cobraresistance@gmail.com and they will be given further instructions how to conduct the surveys. The results and their evaluation by the Resistance will be published on this blog.
Furthermore, the RM2m special task force has asked me to create a petition which promotes the action for the Event to be taken as soon as possible. The Light forces need 144,000 signatures as a collective expression of our free will that will give them green light for the implementation of the next phase of their plan. You can sign the petition here:
The Light forces have asked to make the link to this petition viral, to get as many signatures as possible, as soon as possible. The RM2m special task force will give further situation updates when appropriate.
Victory NOW! Liberation NOW! P.S. Clarifications: 1. The Resistance will not address the human masses through the media at the Event directly, chosen representatives of the surface human population will do that. The Resistance will give those media spokespersons intel (evidence of positive ETs, true history of humanity, new technologies, past deeds of the Cabal) to be distributed to humanity 2. Polls and petitions will not determine the timing of the Event, there are many factors which will determine that. But if a critical mas of people participates (especially in Liberation petition), we can speed up the process significantly 3. You can sign the petition anonymously 4. Creating youtube videos about Event Developments and Liberation Petition as soon as possible in many languages will help spread the word and help us reach 144,000 signatures soon
There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.
A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:
On the other hand, the Jesuits have infiltrated many agents inside the Eastern Alliance to hijack the process, hoping to create a global centralized financial system after the dollar collapses as a world reserve currency and the Illuminazi faction is removed:
They are entertaining an idea of including Bitcoin in the new centralized system as well.
The Jesuits are hoping to somehow survive the Event untouched by putting the friendly face of master manipulator Pope Francis as their frontman and portraying themselves as the good guys.
To further their goal of a new centralized banking system, the Jesuits have silently teamed up with the Rothschilds in their efforts:
The Rothschilds are doing whatever they can to be as silent and invisible as possible in hopes that people will not remember them when the Event comes. They will try to portray themselves as people who collect art and love good wines and have an investment fund or two by the way.
Meanwhile, the world is preparing for the financial reset. The fact that dollar will lose world reserve currency status and that a new financial system is coming is becoming common knowledge, although interpretations having the Cabal as their intel source might not always be correct:
The collapse of the current financial system is inevitable after the Resistance removed the vast majority of physical gold from the Cabal in early 2012. That gold was underwriting the financial system and after it was gone, a countdown clock for the complete system meltdown was triggered and its collapse is expected soon. Some people expect this to happen as late as 2015:
It am not at liberty yet to disclose any timeline for those events. The only thing I can say is that the moment of total meltdown of the current financial system is the last possible moment for the Event to occur, regardless of everything.
There have been some drastic developments regarding the Event during the last weekend. Special task force of the Resistance, codenamed RM2m, was within 45 minutes of triggering the Event on Saturday after the Archons (physical and non-physical) went a little bit too far with some of their actions. The Archons backed off at the last moment to prevent the Event from being triggered and were forced to negotiate their own safety and survival. In order to survive a little bit longer, they were forced to deconstruct Dom33, their plan of retaliation when the Event happens.
They were also forced to surrender full protection of the top level people within the Cabal, who were until now able to conduct their deeds with physical Archons covering their backs. As the physical Archons are now more concerned with their own safety than with safety of the Cabal, the Cabal might find out that if they do something negative, strange things might begin happening to them. The old order that worked in their favor for thousands of years has been severely disrupted.
There is a significant number of agents of the Resistance on the surface of the planet now, doing »various things«.
The Archons did not handle those changes easily. An unconfirmed source stated that one senior member of the Orsini family committed suicide in his apartment in Rome this Saturday, while the Farnese are seriously considering their surrender. Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations. That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system. It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.
Most importantly, the RM2m special task force has proposed a plan to trigger the Event before the non-physical planes are totally cleared. They feel that this wait is simply taking too long to be tolerated and that some risks need to be taken. They are now aligning their plan with the non-terrestrial Light forces.
However, for this plan to be successful, they need our cooperation.
Triggering the Event before the non-physical planes are cleared may result in some additional loss of human lives as some people will become dysfunctional, unable to handle the Event and resort to violence. The Cabal is not so much of a problem as they will be either arrested or stardusted in the first few hours and even initially they will not be able to do that much damage now that their Doom33 plan has been compromised. The Illuminazi faction is now hastily devising their own retaliation plan after they lost support of the Archons for Doom33, but that plan would pose far lesser threat than former Doom33. Here I might need to add that all Jesuit and Illuminazi agents which have infiltrated various militias in the last few decades will be stardusted also if the try anything nasty.
The problem lies within the general population. Some people might get violent in their home situations and their families, old resentments suddenly being triggered and coming out to the surface. Also, violent street gangs might be formed briefly in the initial hours and maybe even days after the Event in some more remote areas without proper law enforcement being present. So I would suggest everybody to avoid violent confrontations in the first hours and days after the Event, regardless of the situation.
The RM2m special task force has asked if we can conduct a poll to determine what the opinion of the surface population is about their plan. The results of that poll will not determine the course of their actions, but will give them priceless feedback for them to be able to adjust their plan to accommodate the needs of the surface population more.
The first option is to trigger the Event as soon as possible, although this might pose a remote but potentially grave risk to life / physical safety of yourself and your loved ones.
The second option is to wait for the safest moment for the Event to occur, even if that means a significantly longer wait.
You can vote on the upper right corner of this blog and I hope that many other blogs and websites will help spreading the word.
The RM2m special task force will give more updates in the near future as the situation unfolds.