

Operation Dreamlandは光の勢力が地表で新たなルネッサンスを開始させる作戦です。500年前の最初のルネッサンスは、15世紀、フローレンスの白い貴族の背後にいたポジティブなオカルトグループによって興されました。




レジスタンス・ムーブメントは、イベント時以降、Operation Dreamland の主要作戦部隊となります。Operation Dreamlandには二重の目的があります。



Operation Dreamland の二つ目の目的は、アセンデッド・マスターのミステリースクールの、真実のオカルト教義を広め始めることです。この26,000年間、この惑星は隔離されて、アセンデッド・マスターから直接コンタクトされることは、ほぼ完全になくなったため、スピリチュアルな教えは退廃しました。今や盲人が盲人を導いています。こうした例の一つが、アセンデッド・マスターや銀河連合から来ているとされるチャネリングメッセージです。ほとんどの場合、エネルギー的な接触は本物であるものの、アルコンがメンタル界でテクノロジーを用いて割り込み、メッセージを挿入しているのです。メッセージは愛と光に溢れているかのような第一印象を与えますが、実際は使い回しの文句ばかりです。


Operation Dreamlandに向けて、イベント前に準備しておかねばならないことがあります。すでに白い貴族のメンバーには私の呼びかけに応じてくれた人もいますが、さらに加わってくれる白い貴族のメンバーがいれば、私にご連絡ください。cobraresistance@gmail.com

それに加え、何百人ものライトワーカーが、その目的のために私に連絡をくれ、協力を申し出てくれました。Operation Dreamlandに関与したいと思っている人たち全員にお願いしたいのですが、あなたの才能、技術、問い合わせ先、そして提供してもらえる資源をしっかり明確に伝えてください。イベント前の準備に参加させてあげられる人には、すぐに連絡が行くでしょう。そうでない場合、イベント後すぐにレジスタンスから直接連絡が入ります。

翻訳: Now Creation



Monday, August 20, 2012

Operation Dreamland is an operation of the Light forces to start a new Renaissance on the surface of this planet. The first Renaissance 500 years ago has been initialized by a certain positive occult group behind the White Nobility in 15th century Florence.

The second Renaissance will be started by the same occult group worldwide and will herald the final victory of the free human spirit over the forces of limitation.

Contact has been made with White Nobility lineages that were involved with the birth of the first Renaissance and might as well help with the creation of the second.

Contact made with Grail White Nobility lineages means restoration of the Magdalene mysteries as preparation for the true revelation of the Goddess.

The Resistance Movement will be the main operating force for Operation Dreamland from the time of the Event onwards. The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold.

First, to restore abundance to the Lightworkers. Many Ligthworkers have a belief system that spirituality means living in poverty. This belief system is mind programming from the Cabal. In truth, physical abundance is a natural expression of the beauty of the incarnated Soul and every Lightworker deserves it. The Cabal wants to keep Lightworkers away from money to hinder the progress of the Light forces. The methods of the Cabal range from relatively harmless such as paid disinfo agents posting ad hominem attacks for “Cobra taking $1000 donations”, to moderate such as non-physical negative entities blocking business activities of the Lightworkers and then to more serious such as blocking access to funds that belong to the Lightworkers or outright stealing them.

Saint Germain Trust has been established in the late 18th century by Comte de Saint Germain with a purpose of assisting the Lightworkers at the time of the shift of the ages. Saint Germain Trust will be unblocked as soon as the Cabal is removed at the Event. Lightworkers will be finally able to live in abundance.

The second purpose of the Operation Dreamland is to start disseminating true occult teachings of the mystery schools of the Ascended Masters. In the last 26,000 years as this planet was quarantined and almost completely cut off from direct contact with the Ascended Masters, spiritual teachings have degenerated and now blind are leading the blind. One such example are many channeled messages that supposedly come from the Ascended Masters or Galactic Confederation. What happens in most those cases is a genuine energetic contact, but on the mental plane the Archons come in with their technology and insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases.

At the Event, the Light forces will begin to reveal true teachings of Light. In many cases those teachings will be a little bit different from what most people expect, as this planet has been cut off from true Light for 26,000 years and many things have been long forgotten.

There are certain preparations for Operation Dreamland that need to be made before the Event. Some members of the White Nobility have already responded to my call, and if any more from them want to join, they can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com.  

In addition to that, hundreds of  Lightworkers have also contacted me for that purpose, offering their help. I would ask anybody that wants to be involved in Operation Dreamland to very clearly state their talents, skills, contacts and resources that they can offer. If they can be involved in pre-Event preparations, they will be contacted soon. If not, they will be contacted directly by the Resistance soon after the Event.