
白い騎士 -騎兵隊参上





カバールが最近核兵器から遮断されたことで、必死になって新生物兵器や化学兵器を開発し始めています。ロスチャイルド派は、7月4日に大量逮捕が起こすつもりなら、それら (フリッパーウイルスと呼ばれる兵器) を使用して、大量虐殺をすると脅してきました。それらの生物兵器にも現在対応策が取られています。


追伸: カバールのトップメンバーは多重の守備防衛機構によって長い間守られています。それらの中には、生物兵器の使用以外にも機能として含まれます。メンバーの身体機能をモニターし続けている装置もあり、異変がある場合には彼らの上級兵器システムへのアラートが発せられ、特殊コンピューターが兵器の試用をするか決定をします。それらの機構はスターダスト2が使用されたり、カバールの重要人物が逮捕された場合に自動的に発動します。そういった理由もあって、彼らはいつも怖いものなしに見え、危険回避ができるのです。




Thursday, July 5, 2012

White Knights - the Cavalry is Coming

There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming.

You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means. 

Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines.

After the Cabal was lately cut off from nuclear weapons, they began frantically developing new biological and chemical weapons. The Rothschild faction threatened to use one of these weapons (the so-called Flipper virus) and decimate the Earth’s population if the mass arrests would take place on July 4th. All those exotic biochemical weapons are currently being dealt with.

The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen before the Cabal is removed. That may happen days, weeks or even months from now, but at a certain point it will happen. No action will be taken by the Positive Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only when everything is ready.

P.S. Through the years, top members of the Cabal have created many protective defence mechanisms around them in case anything happens to them. Those mechanisms include, but are not limited to the use of biochemical weapons. There are certain devices that constantly monitor all main bodily functions of the top members of the Cabal, and if anything strange happens, they send alerts to their advanced weapons systems. Then a special computer program decides if any of those weapons is to be used. Those mechanisms would be triggered automatically if Stardust 2 was to be used or if any of the key members of the Cabal would be arrested. This is the reason why they seem to be untouchable and always able to get away with everything that they do. 

First these mechanisms need to be removed and then positive action can be taken.