Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.
These energies are bringing the energetic blueprint for the coming Golden Age:
For the first time since Archon invasion of 1996, angelic beings are returning en masse to the astral and etheric areas close to the surface of the planet. It would support the positive energy grid of the New Atlantis a lot if you would connect with those incoming angels in your meditations. The other meditation that can assist the New Atlantis energy grid is the Buddhic Column meditation. You can place Buddhic columns above any place or situation on the planet that needs healing:
These new Galactic energies also bring the activation of many Goddess archetypes. The first archetype that is activated is the archetype of Astraea. This energy will bring the New Renaissance and the renewal of high culture:
The second Goddess archetype that is being activated is the archetype of Abundantia. This energy will bring spiritual and physical abundance to the surface population:
You need to understand that both Astraea and Abundantia are not just archetypes to be invoked, they are real Ascended beings that transmit powerful healing Galactic energies to the surface of the planet. Abundantia is assisting Saint Germain in his project of the financial Reset.
Increased flow of new Galactic energies is inevitably beginning to trigger crustal displacements:
Galactic Command fleets are constantly monitoring and stabilizing the tectonic plates and earthquakes with global consequences will be prevented.
These new Galactic energies are intensively clearing primary anomaly around the surface of the planet. No details of that clearing process can be revealed at this point. One part of that clearing process is that the deepest dark secrets of the Cabal are being exposed.
A reliable article with a very precise overview of Cabals' child abuse networks has resurfaced after many years:
There is much happening behind the scenes that can not be revealed.
I might be able to release some new intel soon, and you are more than welcome to join our next Ascension conference, which will be taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on December 1st and 2nd. This will be our first conference in South America:
Irreversible GHVBN failure has led to full enforcement of all hyperphasic / VTXC protocols.
LSIP is not yet supported due to unfavorable grid ratio.
All surviving alpha and beta timeline fragments are in process of integration into gamma timeline. L3 sequence will be completed at T11 point with LSIP activation. L0 sequence will be completed at ECL2 point with possible PHOENIX KEYHOLE.
Minimum YXR requirements are set at PHI 2.5-3.5, P>0.8, THETA >0.8, VTXPOS >1.8.
Minimum GHVBN requirements are set at PHI 2.5-3.5, P>0.8, THETA>0.9, VTXPOS>2.0.
All other sequences are defined in MASTERPIECE v2.1 and remain confidential.
Increased activity in the Galactic Center continues. Galactic Light Forces have removed last remnants of the quantum signature of a huge quantum fluctuation Dyson sphere, 4 light years in diameter, that was encircling our Solar System and was hindering the Ascension process of our Solar System.
This quantum Dyson sphere was a very advanced quantum hyperdimensional portal that was created by the Chimera group in 1996 and is now completely gone forever.
As a result of this, our Sun has joined the Galactic network of Light as the last star to be joined in that network, and is now a fully functional Light portal.
Now all primary anomaly worth mentioning is concentrated inside primary anomaly well, less than one planetary diameter distant from the surface of planet Earth.
Galactic Forces fleet is present inside our Solar System, cloaked, but those sensitive to energies can definitely feel it.
To avoid revealing the presence of those motherships to the surface population, NASA has arranged “blind eyes in the sky”:
All remaining plasma toplet bombs are now located within 30 meters from the planetary surface.
Plasma toplet bombs are connected to a network of plasma implants through plasma filaments called the Tunnels of Set.
Plasma implants are black holes, rotating in a strong electromagnetic field. That electromagnetic field serves the purpose of erasing our memories and disconnecting us from our Soul. The physical biochip (produced by Siemens) located next to the implant of every incarnated human sends a constant audio-video feed to the main Chimera control center, located on the surface of the planet:
During 1996-2001 timeframe, the vast majority of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been subjected to trauma-based mind programming in underground military bases. For many, memories of that programming will begin to surface as implants begin to lose their power.
Many of those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been mind programmed against Galactic Confederation Light Forces, and many have been programmed against me and some other key people involved in the planetary liberation process.
Light Forces are working full speed at resolving the deadlock that still holds the surface of the planet hostage to the dark forces.
The main remaining problem are still the plasma toplet bombs, and finally the mass media are slowly becoming aware of the danger of strangelets and toplets:
This is the main reason why the Light forces are still not intervening on the surface of the planet.
This is why the Resistance Movement can not rescue some exhausted Lightwarriors underground, this is why they can not bring you gold or cash, or call you on Skype.
Also, if a Resistance agent would contact a surface individual directly, the dark forces would kill that individual immediately.
Dark forces are using the same strategy for isolating me in order to prevent me from doing my mission. Certain key people who wanted to contact me, have received death threats if they would initiate contact.
Nevertheless, it is time to expand my team. This blog was not intended as a last hope resort for the most desperate, but a place where the most empowered people could turn the tide in the favor of planetary liberation.
For this reason, I am calling for new people to join my team. For joining the team, I am only interested in people who are mentally, emotionally, physically and financially stable, and who KNOW what is their mission. I am especially calling for representatives of positive Dragon, White Nobility, Secret Space Program, Mystery School, Intelligence or other similar positive groups that are working towards planetary liberation. I am also calling for people who can spread intel into the mass media, people who can finance large projects (1M and more) and women who are capable of anchoring Goddess energy in a pure and powerful way.
New people who wish to contact me need to open their own encrypted email address at and then contact me from their tutanota email at , stating who they are and how they can contribute to the projects. Please do NOT send generic emails "what can I do to help", but rather state what you can do to help.
People who are already involved in projects for the planetary liberation need to refrain from communication on Facebook because that platform have been heavily infiltrated. They need to use end-to-end encrypted email services such as Tutanota (excellent) or Protonmail (good) or encrypted phone apps such as Signal (excellent) or Whatsapp (good).
People also need to understand that Lightworker and Lightwarrior community has been heavily infiltrated and many people who have a Ligthwarrior or Lightworker front have a secret life at night as Cabal agents:
Many of those people are in the Cabal networks against their will, and would escape if they only could.
You can use the power of meditation and visualization to visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA (Sirian angel of Love) and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with a White Fire of AN.
This nightmare will be over, soon. Justice is coming: