ドラゴンゲート(龍門)はホワイトドラゴンソサイエティ—(白龍会)に匹敵する姉妹地下組織です。遠い昔、実はこの両グループは一つのグループでした。しかし、 に援助を受けたロスチャイルドが1912年の辛亥革命で清王朝を滅亡させ、両グループは地下に移ることを余儀なくされました。彼らは舞台裏からカバールに敵対し始め、彼らの道は別れていきました。ホワイトドラゴンソサイエティ—(西側世界での現代の呼び方)は、カバールに対抗すべく政治、軍事、金融に焦点を当てています。

マンダラ・スフィア・レーザーシステムは白いレーザーを発し、純粋なタキオン化を施されたクリスタルの球を介して、神聖幾何学模様をコーヒーレント光(訳注: 可干渉光とも言い、二つの波を重ね合わせて打消し合ったり、強め合ったりさせること)で形成することによって、比類なき光の共鳴場を作り出します。白いレーザーはあらゆるクリスタルの最適な共鳴を得るための理想の色スペクトルなのです。
マンダラ・スフィアには身体のエネルギーと情報伝達のツボに直接当てるための、光ファイバーケーブルによるクリスタルワンドと、遠隔ヒーリングも持ち運びもできてプログラムが可能なクリスタル一式、フォトポレーション(訳注: レーザーを用いて選択的に特定細胞に細胞外物質を導入する技術のこと)のカプセルも付属しています。

翻訳: NOGI
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
New Advanced Technologies
The Dragon Gate is a sister underground organization parallel to the White Dragon Society. Long time ago, both groups were actually one. But after the Rothschilds, assisted by the Triads, overthrew the Qing dynasty of China in Xinhai revolution in 1912, both groups had to go underground and they began opposing the Cabal from behind the scenes and then their paths began to diverge. The White Dragon Society (as some people in the West call it now) focused more on political, military and financial opposition to the Cabal:
At the same time, the Dragon Gate began to focus more on the development of the advanced technologies and spiritual liberation process from the grip of the etheric Archons. Both groups are cooperating behind the scenes to assist in the liberation of the planet and their methods are complementary.
There is a new advanced healing technology which has been released by the Dragon Gate: the Mandala Sphere Laser System. Now the Dragon Gate has contacted our Phoenix Group, which is our small highly skilled team dedicated to bringing advanced healing technologies to humanity, to help spreading this technology among people.
The Mandala Sphere Laser System emits white laser, forming sacred geometric patterns of coherent light, through the geometric structure of pure tachionized crystal spheres, producing a uniquely resonating field of light. White laser delivers the ideal color spectrum to obtain the optimum resonance of each crystal.
This sacred geometric mandala field delivers informational resonances, received through the human energetic and informational fields (aura), producing substantial mental, emotional and physical benefits.
Included with the Mandala Sphere is a fiber optic crystal wand for local physical application to the energetic and informational delivery points of the body and a set of programmable crystals for remote and portable application, as well as a photoporation capsule.
The Mandala Sphere also includes a mandala computer library with a wide selection of wave forming mandalas promoting protection, prosperity, success, energizing, happiness, clearing, healing, implant removal, DNA activation, emotional state altering, positive influence on outcomes, clarity of purpose, and relationship harmonizers.
This sacred geometric mandala field delivers informational resonances, received through the human energetic and informational fields (aura), producing substantial mental, emotional and physical benefits.
Included with the Mandala Sphere is a fiber optic crystal wand for local physical application to the energetic and informational delivery points of the body and a set of programmable crystals for remote and portable application, as well as a photoporation capsule.
The Mandala Sphere also includes a mandala computer library with a wide selection of wave forming mandalas promoting protection, prosperity, success, energizing, happiness, clearing, healing, implant removal, DNA activation, emotional state altering, positive influence on outcomes, clarity of purpose, and relationship harmonizers.
One of the most amazing properties of this laser technology is that it is the most powerful tool on the planet which assists us in removing the etheric implants. This is the closest technology to the Pleiadian light chamber as we can get on the surface of this planet.
You can read more about this technology and order it here:
Another interesting new technology, the Galactic Merkaba Activator (similar to the former Pleiadian Merkaba Activator), is available here:
And Tachyon technologies here:
There are many developments behind the scenes regarding bringing free energy technology to the masses and if all goes well, I will be able to report about it soon.
Victory of the Light is near!