




Victory of the Light!



Monday, July 29, 2019

A Short Notice To The Surface Population

Next two weeks will be crucial to determine how the process of planetary liberation will continue.

The Light Forces are asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, for the process in the next two weeks to continue in positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, humanity and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet.

The Light Forces are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:


Victory of the Light!



(記事概要: CERNが所有しているような量子加速器は下手をすると地球が100mほどの超高密度球に縮小する可能性がある。)

(記事概要: 最近のロシア軍原子力潜水艦A-31が火災によって沈没し、乗組員の軍人14人が命を落としたものの、彼らの犠牲によって地球規模の大惨事を免れた。)
(記事概要: 現在、世界各地の地震の数が平均より3倍という極めて異例な頻度で起きている。)
(記事概要: 最近逮捕されたエプスタインは、過去にQアノンが主張していたように、世界中のエリート達を脅迫してエプスタインの私有地であるリトル・セント・ジェームズ島などで人身売買された児童を集め、悪魔教の儀式に用いている悪魔教信者であり、その世界的ネットワークの実態が明らかになる可能性がある。)
(記事概要: 逮捕されたエプスタインが世界最深の陰謀の沼であるとして、いかにFBIやCIAなどがエリート達に協力して犯罪を犯し続けているかについての情報を暴露し、日々更新している。)
(記事概要: トランプ対クリントンの選挙戦の最中、ツイッター上に「ロスチャイルド男爵夫人」を名乗る人物が現れ、トランプを批判し続けていた。最近になってエプスタインの弁護士がリン・フォレスター・デ・ロスチャイルドと通じていたことが判明した。)
(記事概要: 第三次世界大戦中、悪名高いナチスのヨセフ・メレンゲのおぞましい人体実験の助手として働くよう強制されたユダヤ人バートホールド・エプスタインについての記事。この実験によって3000人が犠牲に。後にアウシュビッツ強制収容所で医師として従事。)
(記事概要: 米国内では人身売買が横行しており、平均13歳前後の子供達が性奴隷にさせられているという事実がある。このことを知りつつも何もしようとしない傍観者もまた罪人同然である。)

(記事概要: 新世界秩序に加担しているとされる個人名の羅列。末尾には日本人とみられる名前も。)

(記事概要: 先日のカリフォルニア州南部の地震の震央の近くに位置していたチャイナレイク軍事基地は、自身の影響により現在閉鎖された。)


(記事概要: 米陸軍中佐マイケル・アキーノと妻リリスを加害者とした、悪魔教の儀式的な児童性的虐待事件について。)
(記事概要: イーロン・マスクのスペースX社は5月に人工衛星を60基の打ち上げを終え、2019年末までに世界的5Gネットワークを構築すると発表。5Gの人体、および環境への悪影響は計り知れないという研究があるにも関わらず。)
(記事概要: スペースX以外にも多くの企業が5G衛星の打ち上げを行う予定でいる。それに対し安全性の問題から打ち上げに抗議する研究者たちの声は後を絶たない。)
(記事概要: サッカー場ほどもある大きさの5G人工衛星がハワイ島上空にあり、そこから有害な5G放射が実行されようとしており、今すぐこれを止めさせるアクションが必要。)
(記事概要: エリア51を襲撃しようと、100万人のUFOファンが現地に集まった。)
Victory of the Light!



Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Tower Card

The breakthrough on June 21st has brought many positive developments.

The amount of still present plasma toplet bombs is slowly but steadily decreasing, and the following scenario with toplets bombs detonating now seems extremely unlikely:

Other negative scenarios have also been averted:

We are slowly but surely approaching the culmination point, as it is clearly reflected in seismic activity which is a pretty good indicator of how close we are to the breakthrough:

Arrest of Jeffrey Epstein is the first big, real and tangible victory of the Light forces against the dark network on the surface of the planet. It signifies the trigger point through which the extent of child abuse will be revealed to the surface population:

Connections to the Rothschild family who were Epstein's handlers will be exposed:

There is unconfirmed intel that Jeffrey Epstein is a close relative of this guy:

The disgusting truth about the extent of child abuse through dark networks will finally be made known:

When all this is made public, people will be forced to face their own denial:

All main dark bloodlines are involved in child abuse:

Many times, child abuse takes place in the private properties belonging to those bloodlines, especially those that are not accessible to public:

The Light forces are now starting to remove child abuse networks with full force. First they have triggered an earthquake with plasma scalar device near China Lake military base to disable it at least temporarily:

China Lake base testing advanced weapons is just a cover story, in fact this place is one of the main concentration camps where children are ritually abused and mind programmed (warning, very graphic text):

One of the main programmers and abusers of children on a planetary level is Michael Aquino and he was also one of the main programmers at China Lake :

There is an occult war ongoing in California between the Light and the dark forces right now and nothing more can be said about that.

One of the more troubling developments globally is the extent to which 5G networks are enforced:

The dark forces are promoting 5G to create another layer of electromagnetic fence to prevent the quarantine / veil from dissolving. They will not be successful.

They can not prevent massive awakening any more:

There are certain important developments that will be ongoing in sublunar space in the next days, weeks and months, and positive news related to disclosure, space travel and solar system are expected soon.

Victory of the Light!










6月24日、 廈門市にて





オカルトの専門家のケネス・グラントは、1996年の侵略の前から、プラズマのセトのトンネルから初期異常が爆発する危険性を認識していました。1977年に彼の著書のエデンの夜側 (Nightside of Eden)が出版されました。















Victory of the Light!

翻訳: Terry


Monday, July 1, 2019

Flower of Life

In the last few months since mid-April, planet Earth was fluctuating between the gamma timeline (Light Intervention) and delta timeline (Planetary Annihilation).

All intel about this was strictly classified as too much focus on negative timeline would increase the probability of its manifestation.

During this time, the Light Forces were clearing one very dangerous layer of plasma anomaly with toplet bombs.

This layer has been successfully removed on June 21st around noon GMT and the danger has been greatly reduced. Although some toplet bombs still exist, and some plasma / quantum fluctuation primary anomaly still needs to be cleared, the positive gamma timeline is now much more secure.

The June 21st success of the Light Forces has brought much fresh positive luminous plasma into our Solar System and this positive plasma has excited the mesosphere around planet Earth later that day to produce some awesome noctilucent clouds:

The Light Forces have communicated that for the first time since 1996 Archon invasion, Ascension archangels are again present in our Solar System.

A few days later, rainbow cloudships began to appear in China.

In Xiamen on June 24th:

And in Guangzhou and Nanning on June 28th.

The Light Forces have communicated that the process towards the Event is now accelerated and there is no time to build physical Islands of Light before the Compression Breakthrough. If you feel guided to continue with Island of Light projects feel free to do so, but main focus now is to anchor as much Light as possible in the situation as it is now, to stabilize the transition.

The Light Forces are now starting to clear the main anomaly which has engulfed planet Earth in 1996.

The main anomaly consists of all potential, not yet manifested combinations / perturbations of primary anomaly quantum wave function in quantum foam:

Occultist Kenneth Grant was aware of the danger of primary anomaly exploding from the plasmatic Tunnels of Set into ordinary reality long before the invasion happened in 1996. He wrote in his book Nightside of Eden, published in 1977, the following:

Dark anomalous plasma near the surface of planet Earth is arranged by the dark forces based on trapezoidal non-harmonious geometrical shapes and also by distorted non-Euclidean geometries:

One of the main occultists of the dark forces, Michael Aquino, has developed a ritual named “the ceremony of the nine angles” to enforce trapezoidal non-sacred geometries in negative occult rituals and this ritual is widely used by the dark forces since 1970s.

The lattice of non-sacred geometries is the basis of Matrix construct which surrounds the planet.

The antidote to non-sacred geometries is the Flower of Life:

The Light Forces are now asking everybody to use Flower of Life sacred geometry as much as possible.

You can visualize golden Flower of Life sphere around your energy field as protection:

You can put Flower of Life stickers to any location on the planet that needs healing:

The Light Forces are strongly supporting this project, as you can see in this crop circle:

Another crop circle hints at Chimera spiders being taken to the Central Sun:

It is interesting to note that this crop circle has appeared exactly on June 21st.

The plasmatic Chimera spiders are being taken from the Tunnels of Set (dark plasma filaments) into the Galactic Central Sun right now.

The third crop circle communicates that the Cintamani grid around the planet is being activated to the next level:

Victory of the Light!