
拡散希望! 日食時の自由への鍵瞑想 2018年8月11日18時11分


(補足説明: 上の記事では4週間の超越瞑想{TM}のグループ瞑想の実施により、ワシントンDCの犯罪率が23%も減少した事象についての解説があります。)


(補足説明: "Impasse"は行き止まりを意味するフランス語で、交渉が合意に至らず行き詰った状態を表します。)


(補足説明: 上の記事によると、ロシア連邦海軍の北方艦隊の2018年の最優先課題は、最北端に位置するノヴァヤゼムリャの探索であると発表されました。理由は軍事的な備えの活性化です。)

(補足説明: 上の記事は、170人の新兵がノヴァヤゼムリャに召集され、その地域の軍事的重要性を物語っているというニュースです。)

(補足説明: 上の記事では、ノヴァヤゼムリャでは過去にツァーリ・ボンバの核実験が行われた場所であり、その時の状況を分析するに、そこから米国と互いに核攻撃をするという結末を迎えかねないということを暗に示しています。)




瞑想指示 (8月1日変更修正済)


1. 自分なりのやり方で、リラックスした意識状態に持ってゆきます。

2. この瞑想の目的が、地球とその住民の癒しの過程を加速化させ、トップレット爆弾を除去し、イベントを発生させることであることを表明します。

3. 銀河のセントラルサンからエレクトリックブルーの光が発せられ、オリオン座のアルニラムのスターゲートを通って太陽系に入り、太陽系内のすべての光の存在を通り、次に自分のカラダを通って地球の中心に届く様子を視覚化します。
4. もう1本の光の柱が地球の中心から昇ってきて、自分のカラダを通って空に向かい、太陽系と銀河のすべての光の存在へ向かい、オリオンのスターゲートを通って、最後に銀河の中心とソースに届く様子を視覚化します。

5. いま、あなたは2本の光の柱の中に座っていて、光が上下に同時に流れています。数分間、この光の柱を保ってください。
6. ソースから発せられた白いANの炎が、銀河の中心とオリオンのスターゲートを経由して地球へ向かい、地球周囲のプラズマ界に残存する全てのトップレット爆弾を浄化している様子を視覚化します。




7. イベントが起こり、地球とその住民がワンネス、調和、平和、繁栄を取り戻す様子を視覚化します。



Saturday, July 28, 2018


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 11thto create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event and Full Disclosure closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock between the Light and the dark forces, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

Plasma toplet bombs are still located inside the planetary plasma shield:

They are the real reason for current impasse between the Light and the dark forces, and are assuring mutually assured destruction (MAD), a certain form of Nash equilibrium:

When those toplet bombs are removed, the breakthrough can happen.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. The  Light forces will have their focus on Novaya Zemlya, still an active Chimera base:

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a powerful grand trine between Eris in Aries, eclipsed Sun / Moon in Leo, and Vesta near Galactic Center in Sagittarius, all of them located in fire zodiacal signs. At the eclipse, the energy of electric fire of liberation will flow from the Galactic Center (the Pleroma) throughout the Solar System and all Galactic Command Light forces, and will be channeled through Eris and Kuiper belt, then through Vesta and asteroid belt, through the Moon (especially Mersenius and Tycho lunar bases of the Light forces), though RM2m special task force underground and then through all groups meditating on the surface of the planet. Therefore our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has great potential for a breakthrough, as it is a moment of very favorable connection with the Galactic Center.

This eclipse will be taking place exactly 19 years after the great eclipse of 11th August 1999, which was the turning point of the planetary ascension window of 1975-2025:

19 years is a certain astronomical cycle, related to the Sun and the Moon, called the Metonic cycle:

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Saturday, August 11th at 2:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 11:11 am EET in Cairo, 11:11 am CEST in Paris, 10:11 am BST in London, 5:11 am EDT in New York, 4:11 am CDT in Chicago, 3:11 am MDT in Denver and 5:11 pm CST in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants, removal of toplet bombs and triggering the Event.

3. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Orion stargate 
(Al Nilam / Epsilon Orionis star in the Orion constellation), then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy, going through the Orion stargate and finally connecting with the Galactic Center and the Source.

5. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

6. Now visualize the White Fire of AN, emanating from the Source, flowing through the Galactic Center and through the Orion stargate towards the Earth, purifying all remaining toplet bombs on plasma plane around the Earth. Visualize the Light Forces of Galactic Command Fleet removing and dissolving all remaining toplet bombs with their advanced technologies. 
If you feel guided you can call Archangel Metatron to assist in purification process. Visualize the White Fire of AN purifying all anomaly and reversing all entropy within the plasma shield around the Earth.

7. Visualize the Event happening, restoring Oneness, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity to Earth and her inhabitants. Visualize Source Light manifesting itself easily on planet Earth and bringing quarantine to an end.

Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Goddess wants freedom and freedom it will be!
Updates about the Key to Freedom Meditation:











さて、第4(阿羅漢)のイニシエーションとは、垂直インプラント(アイアム・プレゼンスから個人識別情報を分離している回転性のプラズマ・ブラックホールである垂直初期異常インプラント)の解消につながるものです。インプラントが解消すると、I AMプレゼンスの電気的な火が、コーザル体、アストラル体、エーテル体、プラズマ体、肉体に存在するすべての生命体をその火の中に吸収されてしまいます。それ以降、その火はレインボーの復活体(ライトボディー)の二重トーラス状の生命ホログラムとして、時空連続体に自らを投影します。


もう一つとても重要な要素は、I AMプレゼンスにつながることです。



Victory of the Light!


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Planetary Ascension Process

After the Event, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin. The Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology:

And the energy space around the Earth will look something like this:

All the spider plasma entities that now encapsulate Earth surface cities will be gone by then. It is not a coincidence that surface cities look like spiders when seen from space:

The physical metallic spiders which are physical anchors for the Chimera grid will be gone also:

Now it can already be revealed that the Chimera are actually insectoid (arachnid) beings incarnated into humanoid bodies, and are even more full of anomaly than dracoids (Draco and Reptilian beings incarnated into humanoid bodies):

In Asia, the Jesuit / Rothschild / communist / turbocapitalist layer of China will be disintegrating rapidly and underlying positive Blue Dragon taoist culture, originating from Thuban (Alpha Draconis), will be fully activating its network of Light through the actions of Eastern Agartha network:

Many new technologies known to Resistance Movement are now already in development on the surface, and they will make life easier:

In the West, White Nobility families will revive the mystery schools of Atlantis:

Real occult understanding about planes of existence will be revealed:

Also, understanding about 13 rays / emanations from the Source and understanding about dynamic interplay between the Absolute and the primary anomaly will be revealed also:

Also, understanding about spiritual initiations. Knowledge about spiritual initiations in its distorted form exists even today:

Here it needs to be said that the fourth (Arhat) initiation means dissolution of the vertical implant, vertical primary implant being a rotating plasma black hole which separates personality identification from the I AM presence. When this implant is dissolved, the electric fire of the I AM presence absorbs all living matter of the causal, mental, astral, etheric, plasma and physical bodies into itself, and can from then on project itself into the time / space continuum as a double torus living hologram of the rainbow resurrection body (Light body):


Consciousness of the Ascended being who has taken Arhat initiation is absolutely free from any negativity and suffering and is full of what is true, good and beautiful.

Before the Event, one of the fastest ways to accelerate your individual Ascension path is to practice cosmic Cobra breath (NOT directly related to the writer of this blog)

The other very important element is to connect with your I AM presence:

And to connect with Ascended beings.

And to connect with nature:

After the Event and the First Contact, awakened Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors will begin to gather in Areas of Light in Soul families. They will undergo group Initiation and Ascension process and will complete this process in the first wave of Ascension, when they will be teleported to the motherships of the Galactic Confederation. Many of them will later return as Ascended beings to the surface of the planet to prepare the second wave of Ascension which will take place in the same manner. Those who will undergo the Ascension process in the second wave will also be able to return to the surface of the planet and prepare the third wave , which will also happen in the same way and will complete the Ascension process for this planet.

All Lightworkers (Starseeds) who make their free will choice for Ascension will be able to complete their own Ascension in either of the waves, which will happen a few years apart. Some rare humans of the Earth origin will be able to complete the process also.

This process is known in certain circles as Rapture:

Planetary Ascension process was described in great detail and quite accurately in the following book, in one of the very rare reliable channelings:

Victory of the Light!