












第四に、将来的に安全な条件が整えば、世界規模のコンファレンスを主催し、惑星解放、アセンション、ディスクロージャーやファーストコンタクトなどのトピックについてお話や直接の質問の受け答えができると思います。そういったイベントを企画いただける方がいらっしゃいましたら、私へ連絡をください。 cobraresistance@gmail.com






Monday, July 30, 2012

The Plan and What You Can Do

I have received new intel about the Plan.

The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be an unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups.

The Event is scheduled for October this year or later.

The Event is only the beginning, then things will go as fast as humanity can integrate. First Contact operations will proceed along with the restructuring of the system. New financial system will be very short lived since after the First Contact money will become obsolete. The Ascension will NOT happen on December 21st. Humanity needs a lot of healing and December 21st is just the beginning of the Ascension process.

The main reason why mass arrests of the Cabal did not happen within the April to June timeframe is that the Positive Military was not aware of Archons until recently and did not integrate them in their 35+ years old plan. The other reason was that positive groups got heavily infiltrated by the Cabal.

Nothing spectacular will happen on August 4th. There will be a gradual increase of number of UFO sightings during August / September period. The hostage situation around humanity is slowly being resolved, the ships of Pleiadians and other positive civilizations of Light are progressing towards the surface of planet Earth.

To explain from my last post, Magdalenian Archons invasion was an invasion  that ended peaceful Gravettian Goddess worshiping paleolithic high culture more than 16,000 years ago and started Magdalenian hunting paleolithic tribal society.

Many people would like to become more active and are asking me what to do.

First, you can join weekly liberation meditations.

Second, you can distribute information.

Third, you can spread the beauty of your Soul.

Fourth, in the future when safety conditions permit, I will be able to hold conferences worldwide where I will speak about different topics connected to the planetary liberation, ascension, disclosure and first contact. There people will be able to ask questions directly. People willing to organize such events can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com .

Fifth,  the scope of this blog, projects associated with it regarding planetary liberation and people’s response to this has grown to the point when I can no longer cover everything with my own financial resources. Information in this blog will always be free. However, additional funding is needed from wealthy persons that are willing to contribute something to those liberation efforts. I trust there are some rich people out there that haven’t been completely absorbed into the Rothschild casino and would like to support the Light instead. Minimum donation is $1000 and regular monthly donations would make things much easier. Those willing to help, please contact cobraresistance@gmail.com for details. Please understand that call for funding is directed towards wealthy individuals outside the Cabal as this would not be a burden for them, and not to general population. Large part of the donated money will go towards a project of healing planetary timelines with advanced reverse time loop technology.

Many people have asked to join the Resistance. This is not possible at this point. Only few extremely well trained agents of the Resistance are now operating on the surface of the planet. After the Event, the Resistance will gradually make itself known to the general public.

I have received reports from some people that they can not post comments in my blog. I do not know the reason for this. I hope it is just a technology glitch and not the Cabal interfering with us. I rarely delete comments and I do so only when they are extremely negative and counterproductive. The comments section in my blog has evolved into a sacred space where awakened beings can share ideas and revelations.
















Thursday, July 26, 2012

Explosion of Light

We are slowly approaching the Event horizon.  The Event horizon is the exit point of the black hole of quarantine Earth. When we exit the black hole, there will be an explosion of Light.

This means an end of quarantine status for planet Earth and end of darkness in this universe. 

The quarantine was created by the dark forces 26,000 years ago and NOT by the Galactic Confederation. The Confederation would never lock up human race on an isolated planet.

What maintains the quarantine is quantum anomaly . Quantum anomaly is a distortion of time-space continuum on quantum level (called “error” in ancient gnostic texts). Quantum anomaly presents a difficulty for positive ET travel technologies. Positive ETs are not gods, they have their own limitations. Else they would liberate humanity long time ago.

The main structure that keeps humanity in third dimension are etheric implants. They form a network of black hole wormholes that was created by the Archons 26,000 years ago and strengthened with Magdalenian Archons invasion 16,000 years ago. Those black holes contain reptilians and their technology on etheric plane and they are being intensively purified by the Light forces right now. Etheric and astral black holes also contain a dark sepia ink elemental essence. That ink-like essence is what people call darkness because it absorbs etheric / astral light. When this ink is completely removed there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes.

By keeping the implants inside strong etheric electromagnetic fields eternity loops are created. Eternity loops are distortions of space-time continuum that give an impression that quarantine will last forever. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quarantine will be dissolved immediately when those electromagnetic fields are switched off and the Archons operating them are removed.

Another main structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane. They are projection chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane. So other people feel this projected image and not our true state. This is the source of most conflicts / projections in human relationships. When this technology is removed, people  will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.

The last main factor of the quarantine is the ordinary (mundane) reality. This reality system is an artificial creation of the Cabal and most people buy into this reality frame without questioning it. The Cabal spends about three billion dollars daily to keep the illusion of the ordinary reality running. It does this by suppressing all real UFO evidence and free energy technologies and by maintaining nine to five job slavery for humanity. You can transcend the ordinary reality frame by adopting shamanic point of view of creating your own reality. By consciously creating your own reality bubble you help disintegrating the quarantine.

There is a special joint operation of the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and other positive ET races that dismantles the quarantine. I will be able to report more on this operation when certain conditions are met.

August and September are months of much background activity, but immediate results may not be visible. I suggest everybody to remain patient and calm within this time period, especially in September with another Uranus / Pluto square.

For those concerned with the Olympics false flag event, there is no reason to be afraid. All activities of the Cabal around the Olympics are closely monitored by the Resistance Movement. It is extremely unlikely that any major negative event will happen then.





翻訳: NOGI


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Red Pill

I have been delaying the release of this for as long as possible because this intel is very disturbing.  But people have the right to know the truth. That is the only path towards healing.

So you have a choice. You can take the blue pill, forget about this and go on with your daily life. By clicking on the links you take the red pill. Be aware that what you read here will shatter your world view quite dramatically and you will need some time to digest this. But after you do, you will become a pillar of strength for people in this world because every human being will have to deal with this intel sooner or later at least to an extent. Please understand that I can take no responsibility for those who read this information and their psychological reactions to this. 

Both links are very reliable and very close to the truth.

First you can read about the real background of the Nazi-Jesuit holocaust:

Then you can read about the Illuminazi mind programming, which was the backbone of the Illuminati power until very recently:

The Cabal must be exposed and things like this must never happen again. The coming victory of the Light will make sure that they will not, and healing for many victims of this will finally be available.




Cobra at 11:22 PM






翻訳: NOGI

Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping the Balance

I would like to bring to your attention the following astrological configuration happening tomorrow:

It is a cardinal grand cross involving Pluto, Uranus, Mars and the Moon. It is one of the most tense, violent, explosive and rigid configurations possible, yet holding a potential seed for a big breakthrough. This configuration will be effective to the end of this week. People are tired of waiting for the Positive Military and want to take matters in their own hands. It is a moment when the Archons would like to trick the population into a violent revolution.

Therefore I would suggest everybody to remain calm and peaceful. Violence will not overthrow the Cabal. It is strategically unwise to attack the enemy where he is the strongest. Instead I would propose the people inside the freedom movement to co-create a grassroots master plan. You might want to take a look at this:

And this:

The best immediate strategy would be to expose the Cabal and release lists with names of people and their past crimes to humanity. The surveillance videos and massive evidence that David Wilcock is speaking about would be most welcome at this point. And Assange could also leak something.

I am sure you already know of the latest Drake’s show that was abruptly ended by the Cabal:

People are asking me what to do about it. You are sovereign beings and you will make your own choices. I will report the events as they unfold and will give some background intel when appropriate.

People are also asking the Resistance to intervene now directly in the situation on this planet. The Resistance is aware of the suffering of humanity and cries for help and will respond, but the extent and shape of their operations remain classified for now.







(※訳注: 世界を裏から操っている血脈ファミリーについての記事です。)

この部隊は、過去2,500年に渡り組織化された宗教を通じて人類のマインドコントロールと大衆支配を続けてきました。クレオパトラの死後には、彼らの権力はプトレマイオスの血統からローマ のジュリアス・クラウディウス朝の血統へ、その後フラウィウス朝、コンスタンティヌス朝へ、そしてさらにテオドシウス朝、さらに、ビザンチンのジュスティニアーニ家へと移っていきました。中世以降には、このグループのメンバーのほとんどは、イタリアの黒い貴族の高い地位へ転生をしました。レジスタンスが2010年にこのグループへ強い抵抗を起したことにより、その権力の多くは失われました。





(訳注: サタンの使途のイエズス会による世界支配についての記事です。)







ロックフェラー家/イルミナチ派の重要人物はデービッド・ロックフェラー、ヘンリー・キッシンジャー、ジョージ・ハーバート・ウオーカー・ブッシュ、ディックチェイニー、ジェイ・ロックフェラー、ド ナルド・ラムズフェルド、カール・ローブ、そしてポール・ウオルフォビッツです。



Sunday, July 15, 2012

Layers of Conspiracy

At the core of the physical Cabal there is a group of 13 Archons that keep controlling our planet for the last 26,000 years. They are responsible for the fall of Atlantis, for the collapse of peaceful Goddess worshipping neolithic cultures 5000 years ago and  for the destruction of the mystery schools in late antiquity. They are the ones that maintain the quarantine and keep humanity hostage so that the positive ETs could not intervene until now. They are mostly incarnated into key positions inside the Italian black nobility.

Their leader was arrested in Rome on May 5th, removed from this planet and taken to the Galactic Central Sun immediately. He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals, so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer.

About 2500 years ago, the Archons created a special task group and infiltrated it into the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt:

This task group was responsible for mind programming and mass control of humanity through organized religions in the last 2500 years. After the death of Cleopatra, their power was transferred from Ptolemaic bloodline towards Julio-Claudean dynasty in Rome, then to Flavians, then to Constantinian dynasty, then to Theodosian dynasty and then to Byzantine Giustiniani family. After the middle ages, members of this group incarnated mostly into positions of power within the Italian black nobility families. The Resistance has taken strong actions against this group in 2010 and it lost a lot of its power then.

Anyway, this group has created the Jesuits and Jesuits are running the show on this planet for the last 500 years as you can read in this fairly accurate, although a little outdated report:

Please note that Hans Kolvenbach is the old black Pope, the new one is Adolfo Nicolas.

This is how the Jesuits run the USA corporation:

Rothschilds are the bankers for the Jesuits in the last two centuries. The most influential are: Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, David de Rothschild and lately also Nathaniel Philip de Rothschild.

The Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction is a Jesuit creation of the 20th century with a purpose to hinder and misuse the technological and scientific progress of humanity:

The key players of the Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction are: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush (George Scherf Jr.), Dick Cheney, Jay Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz.