




レジスタンス・ムーブメントにはイベントにおいて独自の役割があります。それはOperation Omega Phoenixというコードネームで知られています。この作戦は二つの部分から成り立っています。

Operation Omega Phoenix の第一部分が機密解除されたため、それについて少し話せるようになりました。イベント時に、一定数のレジスタンスの作戦隊員が、地下基地から地表に現れます。彼らは一般人のような地味な格好をし、軍服は着用しません。彼らは大量逮捕のプロセスを間近で監視します。必要があれば、ポジティブ・ミリタリーと民間の権限者(civil authority)が自分たちで逮捕するのを手助けします。レジスタンスの作戦隊員に逮捕されるカバールメンバーは、非公開の場所に連れて行かれた後に、ポジティブ・ミリタリー/民間の権限者の手に引き渡されます。ただし唯一その例外となるカバールが若干数います。彼らは過去に地球の範囲を越えた犯罪に及んだため、銀河法廷の場に立たねばなりません。後に彼らのほとんどが地球に戻され、彼らの運命は人類によって決定されます。しかし、少数の者は即刻銀河のセントラルサンに連れて行かれるでしょう。

ポジティブ・ミリタリーのトップは、Operation Omega Phoenix について通知されており、彼らは完全に同意しています。

翻訳: Now Creation



Thursday, June 28, 2012

Operation Omega Phoenix

I have contacted my sources and this is what they said:

The infiltration of the Positive Military group has been completely removed. The Positive Military is now ready for action. Also, the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadians are ready to back them up with their support.

However, I did not receive direct confirmation for the Green Light or that the sweep period has already started. If the Positive Military wants to confirm the Green Light or if they want me to distribute any message to the public, they can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com .

The Resistance Movement will have its own role in the Event and this is known under the codename Operation Omega Phoenix. This operation has two parts.

The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority. The only exception for this are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.

Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega Phoenix and they fully agree with it.